Chapter 8

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Authors note I made another story and it called a roar in the night you should take a look because you might like it

Errors POV I looked outside and saw some of the people and monsters from the group looking for us ink had woken up to and he was scared to the people looked like they were looking for us and if they were let's just say it wasn't for a good reason ...

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Errors POV I looked outside and saw some of the people and monsters from the group looking for us ink had woken up to and he was scared to the people looked like they were looking for us and if they were let's just say it wasn't for a good reason I started packing my stuff and ink did the same it was dark so it was slower then we would have liked after we were done we quickly and quietly went down the stairs and to our horses we went out the back door and untied our horses then we got on as quickly as we could and left as fast as we could but the downside to that is we weren't quiet so the saw us but we were much faster than them on horseback we didn't stop until we knew we were far away from them but now we have no idea where we are we could probably find out easily but in the dark it's difficult also there could be walkers anywhere so we kept going but then we found a road it wasn't vary large more like a path but It works.

Nightmares POV horror and I were still tied to chairs horror is sleeping but I am still awake trying to think of a plan breaking out doesn't work because if I do that they might hurt the kids especially horror but if I tell them everything they want to know they could use that against us I could kill al of them but I feel like that would be a bad idea then again that could work I could also try to gain their trust but that might be hard especially with the dust guys he seem pretty excited to possibly kill me and that's saying something....I think I'll try to gain their trust but then again that plan would also lead to telling them what they want to know but I'll take the risk I noticed that the sun was rising and wanted to slap myself for staying up all night.

Time skip nightmare POV the dust guys is back but this time he brought his friends which make me think that they're thinking on whether to kill me or not so I'll answer my questions carefully. (Dust) so we want to ask you some questions and if you don't answer em I'll kill you and this time I'm being serious (nightmare) oh is that so and what do you think I'm going to do wet myself (dust) just shut up and answer my questions (nightmare) whatever dusty (dust) I swear to god I'm gonna kill you (holds knife up to throat)(toriel) dust no! We still need to ask him questions and we haven't even decided if we were going to...kill him yet (dust) whatever (undyne) okay now buddy I want to know why you broke into our house (nightmare) most houses I come across are completely abandoned so I thought if there were anything in this house it would be dead like every other place it's as simple as that (chara) is that guy dead because he looks kinda dead (point at horror)(nightmare) oh horror no he's not dead and get why you would ask that he looks vary dead but I can assure you he isn't (dust) well even if we let you live we ain't letting that thing go it's to dangerous (nightmare)! Don't you dare touch him (dust) oh are you scared I'm gonna kill the walker (nightmare) he's not a walker he vary much still a monster! (Toriel) dust that's enough (dust) fine fine but we all know that in the end that kid has to die (all ......) (Nightmare) if you touch him I'll rip you to shreds (sans) sorry buddy but it looks like you're a little tied up at the moment (nightmare) whatever now finish asking your stupid questions and let's get this over with (asgore) why do you have so many kids with you having to look after all of them by yourself with the walkers around is a suicide mission (nightmare) well one of them is my little brother his names Dream then blue and horror I kinda just found blue got abandoned by his brother and horror I tried to save when a bunch of walkers tried to eat him I was I little late though and also I wasn't alone. (Dust) so you had more people with you (nightmare) well yeah (dust) then where are they (nightmare) we got separated when a herd of walkers came (sans) what attracted them (nightmare) some people were shooting at one another by a bar then one of em fell off the roof he was on and wouldn't stop screaming (dust) and how do we know your not lying (nightmare) go ask horror he's a terrible liar (dust) fine but if I find out you're lying I'll kill you (nightmare) that's fair (all !?) (Chara) is this guy scared of anything (sans) doesn't seem to be (dust) guys were going to ask that guy questions now (all thinking this should be easy)(dust) hey kid wake up (horror) mmmm whaaat m,tired (dust) I don't care we're going to ask you some questions (horror) oh okay (dust) did this guy find you (horror) yes.

Time skip because I'm lazy
Dusts POV apparently everything the goops guys said was true but I still want to kill him toriel seems to like the half dead kid now apparently he's "cute" chara already liked the goopy guy a while ago and the others I'm not to sure but we asked all the questions we wanted and most of them were answered so we're all going to Side if we're going to kill them or not we are all outside of the barn right now out of ear shot so we started talking
(Dust) I think we should kill em because we can't trust them and that kids dangerous (sans) I do agree that the kid is dangerous but if what the goopy guy said is true he's been like that for weeks now (toriel) and I don't agree with killing a child (chara) I don't want to kill nightmare he's nice and I don't think he'll hurt us unless we hurt horror (asgore) he does seem to care for the kids a lot and I agree with toriel I don't want to kill a child (frisk) I don't think we should kill them because what are we going to tell Dream and blue they'd hate us and nightmares his brother if Dream says he's a good person I don't think he's lying (undyne) frisk has a point and that guy doesn't seem like he'll hurt us if we don't touch his kids and brother (dust) so let's say we let him go and he leaves then brings all his friends here maybe there's more then just two of them (chara) but don't you think he would have had more people with him to begin with (toriel) yes I do (asgore) I agree with chara I know you want to keep us safe dust but we can't kill everyone that stumbles across this place (dust) so it's decided  we won't kill them? (Toriel) no we won't (undyne) I agree I don't think we should kill them (sans) wait where's muffit.

.......................................................................................... I wonder where muffit is he he he he😈 anyway I hope you liked this chapter and I will update this as soon as I can by 👋

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