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"So what's your decision now? Will you really kill him?" I asked San in a cute tone while stroking his soft cheek.

"You'd get angry at me so I won't kill him. But I'll let some soldiers observe him for a while. He won't get near you" the male said. I nodded and kissed him deeply to show him my appreciation for his decision.

"What else did he tell you?" San asked me interested. I thought about Changbin's and my conversation. I needed to be honest with my fiancé.

"He said he was forced to help the actual kidnapper" I told my fiancé. San furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't care if he-" I stopped him by kissing the taller.

Maybe I was manipulating him a little bit by kissing him and flirting but I didn't want to talk about murdering someone.

After a longer making out session, I just smiled at him, opened my robe and got into the hot tub that was filled with cotton looking foam.

"I know exactly what you're doing" San laughed and sat down on the stairs right in front of the bathtub while I blew foam into his face.

"Don't you want to join me?" I asked him sassily. San grinned widely. "Today I'll just look at you" he said softly while admiring my body. I laughed a little and turned to the window in order to look outside.

I showed San my pretty back and rested my arms and chin on the floor in front of me.

"I have a weird idea Sani" I said whereupon I turned around again, doing the same thing on his side. He looked at me interested.
"What are you thinking about?" The handsome male asked me.

"Let's call the pastor and get married...tomorrow" I said waiting for his reply. San looked at me in shock. I didn't know if he liked the idea or thought I was crazy.

San was the man I died for and I wanted to marry him badly. I finally wanted to call him my husband. I didn't want to wait any longer.

"You make me speechless angel. I always think you can't be more perfect but you prove me wrong every day" San smiled widely.

I smiled to and grabbed his collar in order to kiss him. San bowed down and laid his lips on mine. If San didn't break the kiss, we'd have probably kissed for years.

"My majesty, there's some paperwork for today!" Someone knocked at the door stressfully. I sighted and rolled my eyes.
The king's stressful life was back.

San looked annoyed too. "Can't I have one moment with my love?" He mumbled stressed out. I smiled at his words and continued to look outside. 

"I'll be back in an hour. Let's continue our romantic time then" he excused himself, which made me laugh. San was very caring and cute. Romantic time- I chuckled.

After San left because of his paperwork, I tried to relax. I needed to think about many things that were on my mind.

I relaxed my muscles and listened to the sound of nature, enjoying my life.

Suddenly I heard that the door opened again. I didn't turn around because I was sure that it was San, who came back from doing paperwork.

"Have you already finished babe?" I said smiling. Of course I was happy that San and I were able to continue our romantic day. But as soon as I heard the person's reply, I froze.

Someone said "Not really?" in an ashamed and confused tone. Immediately, I turned around just to see Changbin standing inside my bathroom, door already closed.

"What the hell- Changbin?! What are you doing here again?!" I panicked. Honestly I was also mad at him. He knew I was god damn bathing. Nothing he should watch me doing.

"We need to talk Wooyoung please" the male said in a weird way. I wasn't sure how to react because the situations was surreal. Changbin was probably the only and first person ever that didn't fear San.

"H-Hand me my robe and turn around!" I stuttered. I didn't know how to make people go away or something. I wasn't the type of person that immediately freaked out and beat everyone...like San.

Changbin did as I said and handed me the robe from before. I got out of the tub as soon as Changbin turned around.

"W-What are you doing Changbin..what is all of this? You're acting weird" I started to speak. He was scary. Just scary.

"There was no other way to talk to you. I heard that the king does paperwork right now in the office so I assumed you're still here. Please don't think I am creep or something" Changbin explained himself.

His explanation didn't convince me fully. I still was anxious about what he'd do next.

"Wooyoung I fell in love with you" he suddenly said.

Demon |Woosan  finished ☑️ Where stories live. Discover now