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                                                    ˜"*°•.˜"*°• - •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Aang had just got to California a week ago after one year of being in Canada and came with his friends Zuko, Hemmy or Hem, Kuzon, Leila, and Arya. He finally got service and moved into his house that he was sharing with his friends, well minus Arya and Leila they have their own houses. As soon as he got in the house he had one clear goal: get a hold of one of his old friends to explain why he technically ghosted them for a full year and a half abruptly. He was in Canada because Gyatso, his grandad, got a job that lasted a few months up there and since he couldn't leave Aang alone in the house since he was a minor Aang had to come with him.

During his trip to Canada he found his mom there and it turns out that she didn't really die. She ran away from Aang's dad since he abused her multiple times during their relationship and is currently dead. They had a whole cry fest about it while they were there, which lasted for about a whole two hours. Also Aang now knows that in Canada you can't message or call people in the United States which was a bummer because he completely had no contact with his friends and he was very guilty for the first 5 months of his stay in Canada because they probably think he left them.

Aang's mom, Janet decided to leave Canada and stay with Aang in the United States, so Aang currently lives with his mom, Zuko, Kuzon and Hem. He met Zuko, Leila and Kuzon the first day of school when he was on his way to history class which was 3rd period. He met Hem when he was at basketball practice, since he joined the basketball team, 6 months later. He met Arya around the same time he meant Hem, since Arya was dating him. Two months ago he asked Leila out and thankfully she said yes when he did.

The boys were pressuring him to call his old friends since he well was kinda chickening out of it. "Don't be a wimp, Aang, act like you're shooting a ball and don't hesitate." Zuko said, trying to encourage Aang to call them.

"That's really funny coming from you, since you act like the most awkward person in the world, when you meet someone" Aang retorted back, he was a bit snappy today, but it wasn't his fault that he was a little aggressive today. Zuko put his hands up in mock defense as if to say "no need to be aggressive"

Aang decided to calm down and send a text to Toph first before he really called anyone from the gang. Zuko, Hem and Kuzon groaned at him for doing the bare minimum, but before anyone could comment his phone started ringing.

"Hey Toph, how are you doing?" He sounded kinda nervous, but was trying to sound more nonchalant, he hoped that Toph wouldn't pick up on it. He looked back at the boys and they all were grinning like maniacs who just escaped their prison cell. He held back a groan with how long it took for her to answer his question that was probably going to make her break him into bits and pieces once he saw her.

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