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The next week is horrifically awkward. Stevie and Lindsey are back to not speaking with each other. Mick pulls Lindsey aside before sound check.

"Do you know what Kristen said to Stevie?"

Lindsey shakes his head. He's been in a funk. Not talking to Stevie is taking it's usual toll on him. He can't bring himself to try to talk to her, because he knows the heartbreaking look in her eyes will destroy him. Stevie can hide her emotions from everyone except Lindsey. He knows her too well.

"She told her that every time you work on a Fleetwood Mac project, you come home depressed. Kristen blamed it on Stevie, telling her it's her fault. That's all Stevie told me, but I'm sure there's more. You really should talk to her," Mick says. Lindsey nods. He's shocked that Kristen would put all that on Stevie.

Lindsey's mind is racing as he navigates the back halls to Stevie's dressing room. He can only imagine how she must be feeling, thinking she's caused him pain. He bursts into her dressing room to find her curled up on the couch under a blanket. Lindsey smiles softly and sits beside her. She turns her head to look up at him.

"I'm sorry about Kristen. What she said to you... it's not true, Steph. It's not your fault I get sad. You can't believe her," Lindsey says, playing with Stevie's hair.

Stevie closes her eyes, fighting back tears.

"How can I not? I can't stand the thought of hurting you, Lindsey."

"You're not, Stevie. You're not," He says softly, lacing their fingers together. She sits up, resting her head on Lindsey's shoulder.

"Then what's the issue?"

"It's nothing."

Stevie rolls her eyes, but doesn't push him. She wraps her arms around him and rests her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. He continues to play with her hair.

"Lindsey," Stevie says quietly.


"I don't want to get close to you if it's going to hurt you at the end of this."

"Steph, trust me. I'll be fine," Lindsey says, kissing her temple. Stevie nods. They sit silently together until it's time for sound check.

After the show, Stevie heads straight back to the hotel. They have the next two days off.

The next night, Stevie is writing in her journal. She's finally able to sit and focus on her writing, and she's on a roll, scribbling as fast as she can. Tears are streaming down her face, and she closes her eyes. It's about Lindsey, as most of her songs are. All the pent up feelings from the tour so far are pouring out onto the page. There have been many stolen glances, little touches, and teasing comments thrown around on stage. Silver springs is always a hard song for her to do, but last night it was especially difficult for her. Stevie always sings directly to Lindsey, and last night had been no different. She'd been surprised when he'd stood right beside her to play guitar. He'd rested his chin on the top of her head for a moment. Stevie held onto his arm the entire time, staring into his eyes for most of the song. Her voice had cracked at the end, but she kept it together. Lindsey pulled her in for a long hug afterwards.

Stevie slams her journal shut and tucks it under her arm, heading into the hallway. She gets in the elevator, tears still streaming down her face as she pushes the button for Lindsey's floor. She knocks on his door, suddenly aware of her appearance. She's wearing her pajamas, a black t-shirt that's a size too big, blue cotton pants with crescent moons on them that are just slightly too long for her, and fuzzy slippers. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail. She can only imagine how red and puffy her eyes are. Stevie sniffles, attempting to collect herself.

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