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In his nightmare, Lindsey is searching for Stevie in her beach side home. She's nowhere to be found. He wanders down to the beach, the salty wind whipping through his greying curls. He sees her in the water, waist deep. She's wearing a red lace dress, and it's floating out around her. She lays back, her hair creating a mess of gold as it floats around her.

"Stevie," He calls, wading out to his ankles. She looks over at him and smiles, standing again, her hair dripping down her back. She beckons him with her finger, stepping deeper into the water. He laughs at her, following. She swims further from him as he tries to reach her.

"Baby," He says, treading in front of her. "We're too far out."

"We're out of time," She says, her voice frantic now, thrashing in the water, reaching for him desperately. He grabs for her, but can't seem to close the distance between them.

"Lindsey, time is up." She stills in the water and he just stares, shocked.

"What do you mean?" He asks, attempting once again to reach for her. She backs away from him.

"I have to let you go."

"Stevie, what- Steph!" He's cut off by her slipping under the water. He yelps and dives after her, swimming as hard as he can.

He sits up, drenched in sweat. He takes a minute to get his heart under control, pushing his hair back from his sweaty forehead. He's fallen asleep on the couch, his guitar having slipped from his lap to the couch cushion beside him.

Lindsey stands and heads into the bedroom of the suite. He sits on the edge of the bed, admiring Stevie in the moonlight spilling through the windows. He reaches out to stroke her hair softly, making sure she's really there. Lindsey lets out a shaky breath and drops his head into his hands.

Stevie stirs when she feels Lindsey's hand in her hair. She hears him let out a trembling breath, and she opens her eyes. He's sitting beside her on the edge of the bed. She sees his shoulders shake with the intake of another shuddering breath.


Her voice is almost as soft as her small hand on his shoulder. He relaxes slightly under her touch. Stevie pries his hands away from his face and looks into his eyes, seeing the fear there.

"What's wrong?" She asks, shifting to her knees and wrapping her arms around him. She rests her head on his shoulder and rubs his back. He clutches her tightly as if she'll disappear if he lets go.

"Are we okay? We have time, right? Time to fix everything?"

"Baby, we have all the time in the world. When we get home, you'll go to your condo and think long and hard about what you're going to do. You say the word, Linds, and I will run to you. I've been waiting forever for you, a few more months aren't going to hurt me."

Lindsey tears up. He realizes that, despite the doubts she's expressed, she's confident in her knowledge that they belong to each other completely. He knows as well as she does that their souls fit together perfectly. Nothing, nobody in this world, could come between them.

Stevie turns her head, kissing lightly along his jaw. She swipes at his tears and kisses the tip of his nose.

"Come to sleep, love," She says, placing another kiss on his cheek and laying back down. Lindsey changes quickly into his pajamas and wraps his arms around Stevie, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

"I had a nightmare," He says softly. Stevie squeezes the arm that is draped across her side.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay," He mutters sleepily.

As soon as he falls asleep again, he is thrown back into the nightmare. Stevie starts awake when she hears Lindsey calling out to her. She sees him still sleeping. She pulls his head to her chest.

"Lindsey, shh. I'm here. I'm right here," She soothes, stroking his curls. Stevie feels him relax only a little, gripping her arm tightly.


"Shh. I'm here."

She rests her cheek on top of his head, swaying side to side softly. He relaxes more fully into her, and she continues her calming motion. Her fingers are still buried in his curls as she starts singing softly.

"Beautiful child. You are a beautiful child, and I am a fool once more," She sings, letting her eyes slip closed. "Sleepless child. There is so little time. Your eyes say yes, but you don't say yes. I wish that you were mine."

Stevie hums the melody, Lindsey's curls wrapping around her fingers.

"I'm not a child anymore, I will do as I'm told. Even if I never hold you again." She chokes up on that line. "I wish that you were mine."

She wipes the tears from her cheeks as they fall silently. Lindsey has returned to a restful slumber. Stevie kisses his brow, satisfied that he won't wake up again. She lets herself drift.

The final dates of tour rush at them, hardly allowing Stevie and Lindsey a spare second.

The plane touches down in LA, and Stevie bites on her lip to keep from crying. The rest of the band files past the couple, shooting sorrowful looks at them. They sit in silence for a while, refusing to look at each other, but their hands grip each other tightly.

Finally, Lindsey stands. Stevie jumps up, wrapping her arms around him tightly. She can't stop the tears from falling now.

"It's gonna be okay, Steves, shh," He sooths, rubbing a hand over her back. She just holds him. Lindsey strokes her hair, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Somehow, she collects herself.

Stevie pulls back, cupping Lindsey's face, offering a small smile despite her puffy eyes.

"It's going to be fine, right?"

"Yes. I already know what I've decided."

Stevie shakes her head.

"No. You really need to think about this, Linds."

"I have, Steph. You are home. Every time I hold you, I feel complete. I can't keep doing this without you by my side. I love you, everything about you. You have been my best friend, my rock, for nearly 30 years. No matter where I am, or what's happening, if you're by my side, I can take it. It was never even a competition. I choose you, Stephanie."

Stevie takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.

"Think about the kids, Lindsey. Please, just think about it. It will help me know that you're not making an impulsive decision."

"Stevie, this isn't impu-"

"Please," She cuts him off, her eyes beginning to water again. Lindsey nods. His decision is made, though.

They hold each other a moment longer.

"I love you so much," She whispers.

"I love you too."

He presses a light kiss to her forehead and squeezes her hand. She walks with him out of the plane to the waiting cars.

He crushes her into another hug, breathing her in like its the last time he ever will. For all Stevie knows, it might be. The tears are at bay for now, even as they whisper their final goodbyes to each other. She watches him get into his car, and he heart shatters completely, her body already missing the warmth of his. Despite all the years, he's still that beautiful child she fell in love with.

She knows no matter what happens between them, she'll always run to him when he calls her.

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