Poem 46: Relations

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Author/Poet's Note: Okay hello y'all, I ask of y'all to read and please notice the rhymes scheme; I have it here so that it's easier not notice: a-b-c-c-d-b-d. Thank you. 

The moment I break, give up and perish (a)
Will be the night I realize how much I love everything (b)
But until then I will say "fuck you!" to all you, so vicious (c)
Okay I will have to admit life is precious (c)
and here I sit writing about how much I hate it (d)
I always rage over my life, especially every spring (b)
I count flower leaves until eight fit (d)
In my heart, I wish they could, of would I cherish (a) 

Some people want me dead, but I say fuck their wish (a)
Oh, does this life leave me breathless (b)
I do so always scream, trying to cause an uprising (c)
I always try to speak out and be seditious (c)
But am never heard, that's what I get for being ambitious (d)
And always trying to befit and cleverly swing (b)
Towards the future, I will bend and fold the world until it's auspicious (d)
That will most likely be the moment I break down and perish (a) 

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