Chapter 3

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"Are you sure? Positively? It wasn't a trick of the light was it?" Imogene's endless questions swirled about my brain.

"I swear, to agent honor, that it was him. I have the recording in my ear piece, I'll broadcast it to you."

I start the recording and the semi-familiar voice fills the room.

"I am ready. In 34 days time. I will meet you on Mt. Dianoms rocky slopes. There is a natural arena. There, I will kill you. Be ready, because I'm ready to have some fun, Anyone you bring with you will die, I can promise you that...sister..."

"Boss, what does this mean exactly?" I ask, slightly confused. We already know what my mission entails, why do we need warnings?

"This means Stephen is getting serious, it also means there's traitors in the building."

"Traitors? But... Excuse me... How on earth!? This is a secure and extremely safe building with trust able agents." I was getting really confused

"Stephen must have found out about me wanting you to leave earlier. You were supposed to leave in 7 months, that was Stephen's and I deal. But I take the blame for this Agent 13. If I had been patient and let the deadline come into play we wouldn't have this. I wanted you to leave in a week so you could hopefully catch them off guard. But the element of surprise is gone."

"Bo- I mean Imogene. Truly I would have done the same thing! Are we still leaving in a week?" I really, really hope so. Cody needs more training then he can get.

"Sadly No. Mt. Dianom is across the world. You will have to cross oceans and land alike. I know Stephen. He will put all types of weapons, before you even meet your brother, all over places you visit. It will be extremely dangerous. It takes 5 weeks to get to Mt. Dianom. So you will have to go very quickly. I know if just you were to run there you would probably get there in about a week and a half. But you have Cody to consider."

"See Cody is the problem! If I go without him. It'll save me and him the trouble." I hope my ways of persuasion work.

"Why do you want to get rid of him so badly, Agent 13? You need help and company on your trip. Friends don't come along for you very often. Is it something else?"

The truth was, I had a slight crush on Cody. While part of me was thrilled to have him come with me, the bigger percentage didn't want him to get hurt in anyway.

"No I guess I do need company. But perhaps a more experienced agent?" I'm still clinging on to that last bit of hope.

"I see, You're romantically interested in Agent 34, all symptoms match."

"Well, I guess It's time to go, got to go train!!" I so need to get out of here. The unfamiliar emotion of embarrassment rises with the redness in my cheeks.

Boss chuckles, "Okay then Agent 13. Go train. By the way, the redness in your cheeks suits you."


"Ahh, Agent 34, I need to speak with you." Imogene says

"Yes Boss? What can I do for you?" Cody Questions, slightly nervous, playing the part of a fateful agent well.

"I know your a messenger for Stephen. The way your hiding the transmissions isn't working."

Cody Laughs," Hmm, and I thought they were working. Silly me. Why send me on the mission, when you know Stephen can track my every move?"

"Because Stephen needs his precious messenger. She'll be safer, one way or another."

"You think Stephen gives a Sh*t about me? No he doesn't. He doesn't want to kill Agent 13 you know. He wants to turn her against you."

Imogene sighs," And In a few ways he will succeed. You may go Agent 34. Be careful broadcasting. I need you for her safety."

"Goodnight." Cody laughs.

"Wait... one moment! Do you.... Huh, Do you care about her at all?" Imogene questions. Praying for the answer.

"Well I did persuade Stephen to keep her alive."

"That 's not a straight answer! I can kill you right where your standing, Agent 34." Imogene says menacingly.

Cody stops, all bravado lost.

He whispers, "Yes... More then you know." And walks out the door.

Hey!! Sorry For not Uploading for SOOOO Long. Lots of stuff is going on! Well Comment and Vote!!!:)))

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