Chapter 10

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(Eris’ POV)

 “I’m sorry, I couldn’t. I tried! I tried so hard! Failure was never an option! I didn’t think it could happen! I’m sorry mother, I am so sorry.” I am begging on my knees.

I am crying hard enough to not be able to see, but I still know the disappointment is there. “Please, please mom…”

She looks at me with disgust.

 “Everything we worked for is ruined! Look at all the blood on your hands Eris!! Look at it! You have FAILED!! I could NEVER call a creature like you my daughter.”

She is screaming so hard her voice is becoming hoarse.

I squeeze my eyes and hold my hands over my ears. This is hell, this is a nightmare.

I open my eyes and scream.

She has grown monstrous and large.

She laughs, mocking and evil. “I could just stomp you out.”

And she does.


I open my eyes and see the stars.  It was just a bad dream. I expect to feel relief, but it doesn’t come. It is one of my worst fears. Disappointing the ones I love.

I try and ground myself back into reality. I dig into the sand with my fingers and hear the crashing and rumbling of the ocean. I smell the fishy air and taste the salt on my tongue. I sense Cody beside me.

I sit up and clear my throat, “Any sign yet?” I know I sound weird. I know because I still taste the fear on my tongue. Cody looks at me, furrowing his eyebrows.

“Nope,” he replies, popping the P like gum. Then he tilts his head. “You okay?” He asks, worry apparent in his eyes.

I nod, not trusting my voice right now.  The time is 2230. The Bosses are always prompt, so I know we still have to wait. I go back to thinking about my… dream. My missions always go so smoothly. But this one feels so different. This mission feels woven with darkness, with… real evil. I suddenly feel an overwhelming urge to talk to Imogene. She makes things seem so easy. Did she think this mission would be a piece of cake? Like all the others? I feel as though she should have had more caution with this one. She acted as though this mission would be easy-peasy. But the more I think, the more anxious I become. I had never really had to work hard to achieve victory. At least physically. But Phoenix? As equally matched as me? I don’t even know what I am capable of.

I turn to Cody, “Did, Boss #1 say anything remotely important to you about this mission?”

“Not really. Just to protect you.”

Cody doesn’t even look at me. He seems so calm, so sure of himself. I have never been this anxious before. What is wrong with me?


(Cody’s POV)

I know what’s going on. Stephen thinks that mind games are the sure way to destroy her. And I know he is completely right. He told me it would start with dreams. That the dreams would bleed into her waking life. Emotionally, Eris is unstable. Stephen says he plans to have her destroy herself before she even meets Phoenix. I glance at her. She already seems lost in her own mind. I am so afraid for her.  The only way to protect her is to stay with her, but staying with her is hurting her. I guess the world is right. We always hurt the ones we love.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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