Chapter 2

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My fist went flying towards the cement wall. Crunch! I pulled my fist out. No marks, scrapes, or cuts were on my fist.

It made me MAD! I just wanted some feeling while punching the wall. But of course the wall had just molded around my fist, and it felt kinda good instead of hurting!

The wall was the only thing that had suffered.

While I wanted to suffer.

Usually when agents tried to hurt them-self's, they would be stopped and counseled. Instead my anger management teacher had told everyone that taking my anger out on things that are not people, is actually good for me.

So what do they do?

They put a 5 foot thick cement block with splotches of steel, that covers a whole wall in my room.

  I go back to punching a steel splotch.

Punch, Punch, Punch!

Why hadn't I been told of this earlier? Not only did I have to in reality save humanity, But I had to take care of an adolescent boy, who didn't even understand the importance of mission.

But I did.

Of course I did.

Now I need to start preparing. But if I see another human, I'm going to punch their face in.

I kick the wall. Shattering a corner off.

The speaker in my room says, "That will be enough Agent 13, You have work to do, and now we have to replace the wall...again."

I smile, Last time I purposely reduced the entire block into crumbs in two minutes... a record.

Now... Supplies.

I stalk out of the room.

The speaker in my ear speaks now, "Agent 13, No need to gather supplies. It takes too much time, we'll do it for you. Instead we need you to start training right away, Agent 34 is already down in the training room. He's waiting for you."

"Yes Boss" I say.

"You can call me Imogene, You get special privileges now, But don't let anyone hear you though."

"Yes Boss, I mean Imogene."

The training room is only a mile from my room, so I'll run it. I run a 2 minute mile. While I run I fortunately don't see any people.

They all probably knew the mission before I did. But knowing that they knew before me would probably send someone into a wall.

The training room, or building I should say, has at least a hundred different rooms, for various purposes. Like target practice. Not just guns, but bow and arrow, weapons like ninja stars, and whips.

There's hand to hand combat and fencing. I think there's separate rooms for kicking and throwing punches. All our rooms are equipped with the latest technology. I can truly say it's amazing.

I scan the main room for Cody. He's just jogging on a tread mill. The speed he's doing would make a 11 minute mile. That's definitely not fast enough. I sprint over to the tread mill and turn up the speed equal to a 5 minute mile.

And he cut his hair. Good, He took my advice.

"Whoa Yo!" Cody yells.

He pulls out the emergency stop.

"Your not going fast enough. The speed you were going would barely be able to give you a work out!' I exclaim.

"I know Babe, I was just warming up."

In a second he's on the ground, my hand pinning his throat to the ground. He starts slightly choking, and is trying to pull my hand up with the force of a fly.

"I Told you NOT to call me babe." I say, slightly on the verge of yelling. I'm already having a bad day, and I hate when people give me little nick names.

I let go of his throat.

"Rule Number 1," I start, "Always be on your guard. Every nerve, every muscle, brain cell, twitch, needs to be focused on the opponent, start warming up at a speed of a 8 minute mile. it'll get your heart rate up to the mark."

He nods, I think he's slightly scared of what I can do. But he's hides it well. We might actually get along.

There's a large screen on the far wall of the training room that broadcasts emergency signals. I see the light flicker on the screen. The pixels on the screen are forming a shape. I get a feeling this is wrong. That it is not a normal broadcast. Then I realize the shapes on the screen are to dim to see with human eyes.

The message is meant for me.

I force my eyes to go to precision clear image. The screen is decorated with a man.

With Auburn hair, like me...

With one blue eye, like me. The other is green.

He is speaking directly to my implanted ear speaker. I think, record, the device starts recording. He is saying something.

"I am ready. In 34 days time. I will meet you on Mt. Dianoms rocky slopes. There is a natural arena. There, I will kill you. Be ready, because I'm ready to have some fun, Anyone you bring with you will die, I can promise you that...sister..."

I see a cocky smile disapearing from the screen.

I need to tell Boss... I mean Imogene.

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy!:) Hope you liked it! Comment and Vote is all I ask!<3

BTW, I Know this isn't my best. I'm sorta warming up you know:) lol

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