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    Y/n was very timid as a child sensitive to most things like sounds and touch she could often see things that are not supposed to be there, like ghosts or some might say paranormal activities, but she loved learning history even though her parents prevented her from going to school at the age of 6 she knew more history than most 12 year olds now being 18 and well into college, she decided to go for 2 years to join the U.S. air force, she works hard to not let things bother her but she's going to maybe better her chance of getting to learn more but with experience...the one thing she doesn't want though is to let her father down.

         Getting  up from her desk as the last bell rung through the classrooms and hallways of the college you attended to you make your way out the door, stopping by your locker to collect your things and head to JROTC (A/N: I'm basing this off American things also idk how the JROTC works in college bc I'm not even in college but im trying) after you get there you head to the bathrooms to change into your uniform and get ready for instruction.

▪︎~Time skip brought to you by my sheer laziness▪︎~

         Open getting home y/n takes a long shower and brushes through her h/l, h/c braiding it and flopping down on her couch, her phone rings bicuriously she answers "hallo?" Says a deep German accent voice  y/n blushes at the voice "hello, m-may i help you s-sir?" The voice mumbles something in German "Verdammt, das könnte die falsche Person sein oder ich habe die Frau mit meiner Großartigkeit erschreckt" (translation: Damnit this may be the wrong person or i scared her with my awesomeness) then a second voice is clear and yelling "STOPPEN SIE IHREN UNSINN GILBERT" y/n giggles at the two now arguing on phone just then you know who it is on the phone Gilbert and Ludwig your friends though you haven't seen them in a while since college is taking most of your time you try and get them to stop "guys stop fighting your gunna give me a headache with all this nonsense" you chuckle in the phone Gilbert yells, "NEVER" while Ludwig apologizes over and over for the fighting you giggle lightly "its oki, its nice talking but I have classes tomorrow we should hang out sometime though" after you hear thier goodbyes you hang up sighing softly you go to bed.

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