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     The day started out as normal, you woke up and got ready school ate a quick breakfast before rushing out the door to head to class. During school you couldn't stop thinking about hanging out with Gilbert and maybe Luddy, after school was over for the day you rush home and shower putting on your comfy clothes (whatever you want to wear) and you get ready soon there was a loud knock at your door followed by a "Das großartige Ich ist hier" (the awesome me is here) you smile to yourself while you go get the door revealing a Prussian boy.

Gilbert p.o.v

     I looked at y/n and smile, I can feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks I play it off hoping she won't notice it, she's pretty but I can't think that I don't know if she even likes me like that, I notice her shift from foot to foot and I clear my throat "hallo" I say calmly she smiles saying hello back she's so cute Damnit...

A/n: oki sorry for the short chapter next chapter is gunna be longer, until then enjoy this small chapter and until next time ~ author-chan ~

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