3 ^^

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    Y/n stared at Gilbert and blushed the whole time at their little get together something about the albino Prussian was pulling her in she was consumed with the thought of the man when y/n heard him say her name in English "y/n...did you hear me?" Snapped out of thought you shook your heard slightly looking at him confused you bite your lip softly than let out a Huff "hm? I'm sorry..I must of spaced out.."
  Gilbert chuckled lightly then said something she could not hear but soon came time for them to leave- Gilbert walked y/n home, y/n thought it sweet of the usually loud and obnoxious Prussian to walk you home, you smiled to yourself and subconsciously grabbed his hand and blushed when you realized. You two made eye contact and Gilbert blushed a deep red you let go, apologizing profusely. Gilbert said it was oki but you didn't know wether to believe it was oki or not.

    You guys arrived to your house sooner than expected y/n was pulled into a hug by Gil as he whispered "...Gute Nacht" softly in your ear you whispered goodnight back to him and as he left you stood in the door way blushing.

  ~Author pov~
   Those two must really like each other i say as i walk past the most previous scene, "wow what a beautiful sunset" I beam and run over to y/n "Ciao, y/n, how was your hang out bella?" Y/n looks at me "oh hello Axel! It was wonderful, Gilbert is just so dreamy like, oh I dont think he likes me back...if only he knew my feelings for him" I sigh looking at y/n's h/l h/c blow in the wind "Bella im pretty sure he likes you too but I have to go now, addio!"

Hallo! So im posting this at 11:11 at night and let's just say I started it at 10 in the morning but got busy and almost forgot bc I started reading norway fanfics but look at him!

He's adorable  anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter Addio!!!

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