Chapter Four

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We walked in front of the fence and wall. Dani gripped my hand tighter, for she was scared. I was also scared, I just put of a brave face. "Legend has it that the bones of 100 children are buried within these walls." Allison said, not helping Dani nor I.

"Oh, great." I say in a sarcastic tone. We walk up to the wooden gate and peek in. We creep up the steps as I grab Max's hand while I squeeze tighter on Dani's.

Allison opens the creaking door and Dani starts coughing. Cob webs are everywhere and it's pitch black. "I can't see a thing." Dani says, holding up her candy bag as a lantern.

"Well, there's a light switch around here somewhere." Allison says.

I walk up by the gift shop with Max and he blows some cob webs out of the way. "I found a lighter." He says lifting it up for light. He traces it along the wall by Allison and the found the light switch which Allison switched on and Max closed the lighter.

"Whoa." He says looking around. Their is a Cauldron and potions and viles and ingredients and a broom.

"Here's the original Cauldron. And upstairs is where they slept." Allison told us. "This is the spell book of Winifred Sanderson. It was given to her by the devil himself. The book is bound in human skin, and contains the recipes for her most powerful and evil spells." She finished. I sharply inhaled, hoping Dani didn't hear, but she did and squeezed my hand in a reassuring way.

"I get the picture." Dani said, obviously sick of being here.

"What's that?" Max asked, looking at a candle.

"That's the black flamed candle." Allison whispered to him. Dani and My eyes widened and Allison nudged us laughing, though we didn't see anything funny.

"Hmm, 'Black Flamed Candle. Made from the fat of a handed man. Legend says that, on a full moon, it will raise the spirits of the dead when lit by a virgin on Halloween night.'" Dani and I looked at each other with our eyes wide. We knew our brother and we knew what his next move was. "So let's light the sucker and meet the old broads." Max sneered.

Dani and I mouthed 'no' but he ignored us, per usual. "Wanna do the honors?" Max asked Allison.

"No, thanks." She replied rolling her eyes. Out of no where a black cat climbed onto Max's shoulders. Max was screaming and yelling, scared of the cat. Max fell down and the cat ran off. "Ugh, stupid cat." Max grunted in anger.

"Okay, Max. You've had your fun. It's time to go. Come on, Dani and Allison." I said grabbing their hands.

"Max, she's right. Let's go." Allison said in an unusually stern voice.

"Oh, come on. It's just a bunch of hocus-pocus."

"Max, we're not kidding. Let's go." Dani said. We were almost out the door when Max scoffed and lit the candle. Dani gasped and covered her eyes while I hugged her and Allison hugged me. The lights started popping out all over. The floor boards started to dance and pop up around us.

Once the floor boards stopped Max asked. "What happened?"

Which I replied with, "A virgin lit the candle." Allison, Dani and I now stood up strait.

The candles around us started to light up again but this time in flames and not fake lights. The fire beneath the cauldron erupted and in the fireplace. The next thing I heard was a witches laugh. The door opened and Dani and I hid on the right of the door, Allison on the left. Max hid behind the stand that held the book.

The sisters waltzed in and the one with red hair, Winnie, said "We're home." The blonde, Sarah, and the plump one with dark drown hair, Mary, started jumping up and down in a circle while Winnie said, "Oh, sweet revenge! You see, sisters? My curse worked perfectly!"

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