Chapter One

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He woke with a jolt. Thackery looked to his side and his little sister, Emily, wasn't there. He jumped out of bed and and walked out the door shouting "Emily" every now and again.

Thackery walked up to Elijah who was staring towards the woods. "Elijah. Elijah!" Thackery stated. He grabbed Elijah's sleeve and asked, "Have you seen my sister, Emily?" He tried to cover the worry in his voice.

Elijah shook his head, "Neigh, but look!" He exclaimed turning back to the woods and pointing. Smoke was coming from the witch's hut, "They conjure!" He continues, referring to the witches.

"Oh god!" Thackery groaned in worry. "The woods!" The two boys ran towards the woods and are about to enter them when Thackery speaks, "Emily!" He exclaims, not bothering to hide the worry. She's giggling and following a dancing witch.

"She's done for!" Elijah says.

Thackery comes back, grabbing his shoulder, making Elijah face him, "Not yet. Wake my father! Summon the others! Go!" He commands, and Elijah runs back to the village of Salem. Thackery then runs for the woods. "Emily!" He shouts. Once he starts for the woods, Thackery trips and tumbles down and hill gasping and grunting in pain as he does.

Once he stops, he looks up to the cottage of the witches and pants. He hears Emily giggling as the same witch lures her into their home.

Thackery creeps up towards the house and peeks in through a window as the witches surround what Thackery can only believe is Emily. For he is correct once the witches start to circle her. Emily spots Thackery. Her eyes widen and she gasps slightly. Thackery ducks down in the nick of time as the witches turn around. They do not spot him.

Thackery creeps through the water surrounding the cottage while one of the witches with large buck teeth and red curly hair open up the window. The other two witches, a rather plump one with dark brown hair and a smaller one with bright blonde hair look out the door for what Emily was looking at. The witch with red hair looks around and says "Oh look, another glorious morning. Makes me sick!" She closed the windows and called for her sisters.

"Oh yes Winnie." The blonde spoke.

"Coming, Winnie. Right away! Sorry!" The plump one says, pushing the blonde one out of the way.

"Must of been an imp." The one with red hair says. "Oh, my darling." She says walking forward, "My little book." She said caressing her book. "We must continue with our spell now that our little guest of honor has arrived." She said referring to Emily who smiled slightly. "Wake up. Wake up darling!" She said tapping the book, making its eye open. "Yes! Yes! Come along my darling!" She swooned over her book and giggled at it. As if to pause her emotion she yelled, "Mary!" And the plump one came forward.

Mary was eager to greet her sister saying, "Right here, Winnie. Right here!" Winnie than pointed to the cauldron and as if Mary made a mistake she said "Sorry." And went to stirring. "I notice sister, Sarah isn't helping." Mary said while stirring.

The other sister, Sarah, poked her head through the ladder and sneered, "I lured the child here."

Winnie then grabbed Mary's ear and said, "Leave her be! She has done her chore!" And the released Mary with a slight push.

"You're right. I'm wrong." Mary said quickly while making a barking sound at Sarah.

"Alright. 'Tis time!" Winnie exclaimed waving her hands and her spell book flipped to the page of her potion in the cauldron. She gasps and continues, "There it is." She read, "'Bring to a full rolling bubble, add two drops oil of boil." She said walking towards her ingredients.

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