Chapter Seven

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We walked towards town hall as Max says "Oh, great. How are we ever going to find Mom and Dad in this place?"

"We're gonna look for mom." Dani said beckoning me to come with her while holding Binx. I follow her through the thick crowd as we look for her. "Mom?" Dani asked looking at an Alligator costume. They shook their head and walked away. We turned around and there she was with things on her breasts to make them look bigger and she had hair extensions in making her hair longer.

"Mom?" Dani and I asked together.

"Hmm?" She asked.

"What are you supposed to be?" Dani asked.

"Madonna." Mom said holding her hand up. "Well, you know...well, obviously. Don't you think?" I shook my head.

"Come here." Dani said to Mom.

She bent down asking, "What?"

"This Cat here, Binx. He can talk. And my brother's a virgin. He like the Black Flame Candle. The witches are back from the dead and they're after us." She said suddenly.

"Honey, how much candy have you guys had?" Mom asked, making us seem crazy.

"Mom, we haven't had a single piece. They're real. The witches are real!" I said.

"They can fly, and they're going to eat all the kids in Salem. They're real!" Dani finished.

"All right." She said standing up and turning around. "Let's just find your father."

"Hey, guys, I love you but enough is enough. Just calm down." Dad spoke over the arguing going around us.

"But they're gonna come!" Max exclaims.

"Don't you see how crazy this sounds?" Dad asked us.

"Max! Y/N! They're here!" Dani yells.

"What is it?" Mom asked.

We turn to see Winnie, Mary, and Sarah in the middle of the dance floor. Winnie yelling at them, possibly giving commands to find us.

"Nobody's here, sweetheart." Mom spoke softly.

"Here, hold this." Max said, giving the book to Allison.

"Max, where are you going?" Allison asked.

"Max! Max!" Dad called for him. Dani and I tried to follow him but Mom and Dad grabbed us, holding us back while Allison followed him.

While follow Max with my eyes, I see him jump on stage. He try's to take the microphone and after arguing with the singer for a moment he gives it to Max.

"Will everybody listen up, please?" Max asks into the microphone.

"Listen to him!" Dani pleaded to Mom and Dad.

"Your kids are in danger." He continued.

"What do you mean?" Someone in the crowd asks.

"Three hundred years ago, the Sanderson sisters bewitched people. And now they've returned from their grave." Everyone in the crowd laughs, as well as the band. "Hey, man! I'm serious this is not a joke." He says grabbing onto the singers jacket.

"This has gone far enough." Dad says to Mom.

"I know this sounds dumb, but they're here tonight. They are right over there!" He says pointing to them in the crowd.

"Wow." Dad says as Mom gasps. The spotlight shines bright in them as they squint their eyes.

"Thank you, Max," Winnie says stepping forward. He looked at her with his eyes open wide. "For that marvelous introduction." Everyone around laughs.  "I put a spell on you,
and now you're mine.
You can't stop the things I do,
I ain't lying."

"No!" I cover Dani's ears.

"No! Don't listen to them!" Dani shouts as Mom and Dad start pushing us forwards.

"It's been 300 years,
Right down to the day.
Now the witch is back,
And there's hell to pay.
I put a spell on you,"

"Good joke. Happy Halloween. Thanks." The singer says, taking the microphone away.

"No, Man, I'm serious." Max says, trying to get it back.

"And now you're mine."

Dani and I run from out parents. This time they are unbothered to grab us.

"Hello, Salem!" Winnie said, chasing Max off the stage. "My name's Winifred. What's yours?" She asks.
"I put a spell of you,
And now you're gone
-gone, gone, gone so long,
My whammy fell on you,
And it was strong
-So strong, so strong, so strong
Your wretched little lives
Have all been cursed
'Cause of all the witches working
I'm the worst
I put a spell on you
And now you're mine."

Dani and I found found Max and Allison so we ran towards the exit, trying to ignore the wretched noise from the witches.

"Binx, where are you?" Dani asked as I hugged around her. Soon Binx came running up to us, ready to leave. As we were about to turn, Billy was behind us. He tired to snatch us but we ducked down in time. Max pushed him away as Dani, Allison, Binx, and I ran.

We ran up to Mom and Dad to find them not drawing their eyes from the show. "Mom, Dad, thank god." Max let out.

"Hey, Max, great show." Dad said.

"Cover your ears!" We all said together. Billy then showed up behind us again but we all ran. Instead my parents mistakenly thought he was hugging them so they hugged back, giving us time to run.

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