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if this was a movie – taylor swift

"but if this was a movie you'd be here by now."

Sofia woke early the next morning. Mostly because of Regulus shifting as he sat up.

"I should go," he said when he noticed she was awake.

Sofia didn't move. She nodded weakly, not looking at him. She closed her eyes and hoped he got the message that she didn't want to be disturbed.

They hadn't had sex. After a soft kiss, Regulus had lain down beside Sofia and he'd held her all night. Sofia felt so at peace and safe and just loved in his arms and knowing she'd never get that feeling again made her want to just stay awake the entire night. But she hadn't been sleeping well and she hadn't felt so relaxed in a long time so sleep had ended up overcoming her after two in the morning.

She felt the bed shift as he stood. Then some shuffling as he put his clothes on. Then the door shut.

And that was it. He was gone. For good.

Sofia kept going. She tried not to dwell on Regulus. It was too much to bear. She even kind of made up with Lacey—or at least made up enough so that Lacey was perfectly willing when Sofia snogged her in an empty cupboard one day. Sofia had meant to shag her, but her stupid broken heart wouldn't let her when Lacey's robes went over her head.

It was maybe a week later that Sofia was approached by one pissed off Eliana Travers after Charms class one day. For a second, Sofia feared she had found out about the Room of Requirements incident, but it didn't seem too likely.

"What did you say to him?" Eliana demanded, her hands on her hips.

Sofia scowled. "What are you talking about, Travers?"

"You said something to him. I know you did. He's been staring at you when he thinks I'm not looking. All week."

Sofia smiled. "Hardly my fault your boyfriend is obsessed with me," Sofia said. Initially, she thought she might use The Event as ammo against Eliana, but now it seemed something too sacred to even mention to Travers.

Eliana was practically foaming at the mouth. "You stay the fuck away from him, Bessonova. Or you'll regret it."

Sofia's brows raised. "You really think you scare me, Travers?"

"He's my fiancé!" Eliana shrieked. But she didn't seem to have more of a comeback.

She was about to walk away when Sofia stopped her. "Wait, Travers."

Eliana turned back, pissed off. "What?" She snapped.

"Look, I can't speak for Black, but I swear I won't even look in his direction if you just answer me something."

Eliana seized Sofia up. She didn't seem convinced but relented. "What is it?"

"Why do you like him?"

Eliana seemed confused by the question. "Reg?"

Sofia held in an eye roll. "Yes, Eliana. Reg."

Eliana thought for a second. "He... he's always been good to me. I know he can be kind of... cold, but everyone always thinks I'm so stupid just because I'm not very good at school and... magic in general. But not him. You should see some of the other guys my parents wanted me to marry... Reg might be standoffish but he's by far the best option out of all of them." She held in a shudder. "Not to mention the cutest one."

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