Fuck, the cops! Fuck, the shoes! Fuck, the cops!

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I hand the posters I made to the group. "Here you go. I drew these up last night." I hand each person one poster to show around.

"Oh my word, you're an amazing artist, Red Shoes," Hans compliments.

I blush a little. "Oh, thank you. I uh, get really bored when Sn- uh White isn't around."

"Oh shush," Snow lightly slaps my shoulder. "You're an amazing artist. Papa would love them."

I smile at her compliment while I hand the last one to Merlin.

"One thing's for sure," Merlin comments of the drawing. "Daddy's a little on the big side... of big. You two must take after your mother."

"Actually I look more like Pa-" Snow starts but catches herself. "Uh, yeah! My mother. Gosh! We... Exactly. Twins!" She makes a cute face. She then turns to me with a sad smile. "Do you think you look like your mother?" She asks.

I chuckle. "I sure hope so," I remark. "If I looked like my father then people would be running for the hills." She laughs at my joke. We've both seen what my parents look like. They were King and Queen White's close friends so they have a portrait in the castle.

I look around the group to see them looking at us weirdly. "Oh, uh. I'm adopted," I say quickly. "White and her parents took me in when my parents were killed."

The guys all look at me with pity. "I am so sorry, Red Shoes," Jack says. "I can't imagine how that feels."

"Don't be," I tell them. "It's not your fault." I quickly steel myself and shake my sadness away. "Anyway, we should get a move on."

"Right!" Arthur jumps in. "We all know the plan. Let's move. Deploy! Thunderdwarfs are a go!" He declares. I roll my eyes while Snow giggles at him. I think Arthur is her favourite of the seven. I see her give him an admiring look when he isn't paying attention. Also because she may have told me last night. I won't tell her mine is Merlin. The guy is adorable. He tries so hard to impress me that it's amusing.

Snow leads the way and the others follow her. I stop, however, when I hear Arthur talking to Merlin. "Where do you think you're going? Your post is right there," Arthur points to the house. Oh... Merlin isn't coming with us? That's a shame.

Arthur splits us up at a crossroads. He sticks with me and Snow while the others search elsewhere. Arthur starts bringing us to the Excalibur stone. When I realize that he is just trying to impress Snow, I decide to peel off. I'll go check the town while he shows off to her.

I walk around town getting awed looks as I ask people if they've seen Papa. I only ask for about ten minutes before I hear a big crash. I look to see Snow talking to a sculptor. I go to tell the guy off for yelling at her but then he starts chipping away at his statue and makes the head of the supposed-to-be goose into Snow's upper body. I cover my mouth to suppress my laughter. Poor Snow.

"Hey! Looking good, Winny," I tease when I approach her.

"Oh haha," she groans a little uncomfortably. "Anything yet?"

"Nope," I say disappointedly. "Where's Arthur?"

"He went off to look on his own," she explains.

"Why? What happened with Excalibur?"

"Well, I pulled it out of the stone but put it back. Then Arthur tried to pull it out again but didn't work. I think I may have embarrassed him," she looks down in shame.

I smile as I place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "He's a tough guy, Snow," I assure her. "He'll be fine. How about you make it up to him somehow after we look for Papa?"

Red Shoes, Red Hood, 7 Dwarves ~ Merlin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now