I got Merlined

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Light returns to my vision. The morning sun shining through my eyelids. I open them to see that I'm on the floor. The tree that was in the middle of the tower room is gone and I can see the branches within disintegrating. What's happening?

I look outside the open doors and gasp.

"Papa?" I ask. He turns around and smiles. Beside him is Snow, back to normal.

"Y/n?" Papa asks. He turns to my sister. "Snow?"

"Papa!" Snow cries and starts hugging him. I rush in to join the hug and we all collapse to the ground, a crying mess of happiness and relief.

I look up and I see the dwarves. But... there's only six of them. "Wait. Where's Merlin?" I ask.

Snow looks down and grabs my hand comfortingly. Papa grabs my other. "I'm so sorry, Y/n," he says. "He sacrificed himself to stop Regina and save you."

My eyes widen and my stomach drops. "Merlin, no!" I cry and rush to the edge. "Merlin!" I try again. "MERLIN!" My voice carries down to the ground. Dark clouds cover the morning sun. The atmosphere seems to cool, chills running down my spine. A sob racks through me, tears falling from my cheeks and down off the ledge.

I feel Snow sit beside me and pull me into a hug. Papa does the same on my other side. They both hold me tight, offering as much comfort as possible.

He didn't deserve this. He saved me. He freed my father. He... I...

I love him.

Sob after sob escapes me, tears staining my cheeks. I didn't even get to tell him I love him.

Snow taps my arm. I look up at her and she uses her finger to point my chin towards the edge. The triplets are floating up on their machine.

Merlin is laying in their arms. I quickly rush to him and pull him close. His body rests on my legs as more tears flow down my cheeks. His skin is scuffed and burnt, his fingers are twitching. His eyes slowly open but only halfway. I huff out a relieved breath, a smile breaking my face.

"Merlin," I whisper in relief. "I thought you were gone."

"You... are the most beautiful woman... in the world," he whispers. "Whether my eyes are open... or closed." As he says that, his eyelids flutter closed and I start panicking. His hand slides off his body, the lucky charm I made him floating out of his hand and getting carried by the wind.

"Merlin?" I place a hand on his cheek. "Merlin, no. Please. Don't leave me." The tears start flowing again and I hear Snow sniffling behind me. More sobs escape me as I pull him close, burying my face in his neck. After a moment, I pull back. "I got Merlined," I whisper. I have to. At least once more. It's creepy, I know, but fuck it.

I softly place my lips on his. The moment I do, warmth explodes around us, golden light shines through my eyelids. When the light dims I open my eyes and pull away. Where there was once a green dwarf now lies a handsome prince. Part of me wants to laugh. This is probably what he looked like when he was tall.

His eyes slowly open and my lips pull back into a smile. "Merlin... You're a prince," I breathe out, relieved beyond words that he's alive.

He pushes himself up into a sitting position, grabbing his side with a pained grimace. I instantly help him stand up. He looks at his free hand and laughs humourlessly.

"Right," he sighs, "That Merlin. The one that isn't really your type." I smile a little at his downbeat expression. "The one that's self-centred."

I breathe out a laugh. "I will admit, you being taller is a bit of a turn off," I smirk but my happiness can't help but shine through.

He smirks back. "Would you prefer it if I walked on my knees then?" He asks jokingly.

I chuckle and shake my head. "Oh, Merlin," I sigh. "I love you, just as you are."

Surprise and pure joy glow in his expression. He lifts his hands, bringing my face closer to his. "I love you too, Y/n," he whispers. Before I can respond in any way, he brings my lips to his and kisses me. I hear the people around us cheer but Merlin doesn't seem to care as he moves one hand down to my waist and pulls me closer to kiss me with more passion.

Just as we both pull away for air, I hear Arthur quietly ask Hans and Jack, "Any idea who that girl is?"

I roll my eyes. "I heard that, Arthur!" I say loud enough for him to hear.

"How did she hear me?" I hear him ask Jack again.

"I heard that too!"

"What the heck!" He exclaims making Merlin laugh.

"This is Red Shoes, you dolt!" Merlin calls over making Arthur's eyes bulge out of his head. "And that," he points to Snow, "Is White Shoes!" Arthur's eyes bulge out more.

Snow blushes in embarrassment while tucking some hair behind her ear.

Oh, I have a lot of explaining to do...

Red Shoes, Red Hood, 7 Dwarves ~ Merlin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now