Green men and... WTF? Beautiful women?

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Consciousness returns to me, my hand going to hold my sore head. Why is that the main point of injury today?

"Wake up," someone whispers to me. "C'mon, wake up."


I push myself up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Huh, my head doesn't hurt that much anymore. "Am I alive?" I groan.

"Oh, thank goodness," Snow wraps her arms around me making me open my eyes all the way.

"What happened?" I ask her, giving her a once-over. She's still a supermodel. So it wasn't a dream.

"You were knocked out," she answers. "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm good," I smile. She's always so kind. I look around the room and the green things are watching us. I gasp and jump back slightly. What are they? They're adorable! They can't be over two feet tall with chubby bodies and faces. Holy shit, these guys are cute as hell.

The tallest one wearing red and orange clears his throat. "Hello, dear ladies," he greets. He has a Scottish accent. "Welcome to my home slash command post. I have six roommates but my name's on the lease."

"I pay the rent," a blonde one with a French accent adds from the foot of the bed.

"Your home?" Snow says in surprise. "Oh my gosh, we are so sorry."

"Yeah. We were starving," I add. "Sorry about that."

One with brown hair and a blue shirt steps forward and leans on the bed. "There's no need to apologize," he says suavely, the British accent helping with that. "We didn't mean to interrupt your stolen meal." Are they trying to act cool? I mean, Snow is thin now, maybe that's why.

"If you're still hungry, I can whip up something simple," a curly carrot-top with a German accent offers. The redhead keeps talking while Snow looks forward.

"Who's that?" She asks, pointing at a mirror. I follow her gaze and two stunningly gorgeous women are in the mirror. I tilt my head and the one sitting next to Snow tilts her head too.

Wait... is that...


The green men look in the mirror too with confused faces. "Uh... who?" The British one asks, dragging out the word.

Snow and I get out of bed and approach the mirror, not taking our eyes off our reflections.

"Holy shit," I say slowly. "We look so different!" My ears are normal, they aren't furry. The gold rim on my eyes disappeared. Instead, dispersed like gold dust in my irises. My hands are soft and smooth, with no calluses to be seen. My skin is perfect, not a single scar nor hair out of place. I take a deep breath and gasp. My sense of smell is gone. I listen carefully but I can't hear what's outside. Are my... are my powers gone?

"Oh my gosh, my face, my waist," Snow lists. "My waist? My waist!" She places her hands on her teeny tiny waist in awe. "What happened to us?"

As I look at us in the mirror, I see the men behind us. I turn around carefully and sheepishly. They must be so weirded out by us right now. Snow turns around too, a similar expression on her face.

I laugh nervously. "Well, I must have hit my head harder than I thought." Snow joins me in nervous laughter, hands clasped in front of her.

The blue British green man extends a hand forward. "Do you need help?" He asks kindly.

"Oh no," Snow quickly and politely states. "We're fine. We're fine... right?" She turns to me.

"Yeah, yeah," I agree. "Yeah, we're good." I turn back to the mirror, still not processing that I look not only normal but insanely beautiful too. I mean, I never thought myself to be ugly, but I did consider myself a scary-looking freak.

Red Shoes, Red Hood, 7 Dwarves ~ Merlin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now