Mirror mirror in a tree, I shall bend you over my knee and spank you silly

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Merlin's POV

"Red Shoes!" I shout, running to try and grab her but Regina whooshes them away before I even have a chance. No. I will not let Regina take her away from me. I hop on Bunny. "Let's go, Long Ears," I say with determination.

"Hey! Wait for us!" The three little wooden bears call.

"How 'bout you go back and get the others?" I ask. "And make lots of copies of this," I hand the tallest bear one of my spell cards. "Let's go!" Bunny hops to it, jumping me all the way to King White's castle.

We run for about five minutes until the castle is in sight. Suddenly Bunny makes a sharp left turn.

"Hey! Wait, you're running the wrong way!" I shout at him. "The castle is that way!"

Bunny hops once more and right into a well I hadn't seen. We fall down the hole and land roughly at the bottom. Oh, there's no water down here. Bunny turns his head and makes a bitch-face. I never thought I'd get bitch-faced by a giant wooden bunny.

I shake the shock off and look around. There's a door in the wall. I dismount Bunny and head towards it. Grabbing the edge of the door, I pull it open revealing a secret staircase. Bunny brought me to a secret passageway. Huh.

I start climbing when I hear a thunk. Bunny is trying to get through but can't fit. "Uh, sit?" I say with a shrug. Bunny sits as I run up the stairs I have to save Red Shoes. No... I have to save Y/n.

Right when I get to the top of the staircase, a tree branch grabs me. What? It wraps around me, covers my mouth and starts pulling me through the throne room, out the door and right up the door of a tower. I can hear voices inside.

"Ugh, this is getting a little boring," I hear Regina's voice. "So I need you to take a bite and then I'll tell you."

"I won't let you win," Y/n's voice says in a strong tone. My heart feels like melting at how brave she is but it squeezes in on itself, fear for her safety taking over. "You've taken my father and exiled me and Snow. You will not get away with this, Regina."

Regina makes a choking sound. "Oh I'm so scared, Y/n," she taunts. "Very well. A different approach then." The branches holding me start moving forward. The door opens and it reveals Y/n tied to a small tree with the same branches as me. Her eyes widen when she sees me.

"Merlin!" She cries. My heart clenches.

"No!" I try to shout but the branch covering my mouth muffles my words.

"Eat the apple, or watch him die," Regina states. "It's your choice."

"No! Don't do it!" I try to shout again, my words muffled. "No! Y/n!"

She looks between Regina and me. Her shoulders deflate a little. "Promise to me you'll let him go," she says to Regina.

"Oh, absolutely," Regina says calmly. "When the third bell chimes, everything will be just like it used to be." Regina holds the apple out to Y/n, her restraints releasing her.

"No! Don't do it! Don't do it!" I keep yelling, trying to change Y/n's mind.

Y/n takes the apple despite my protests. She takes a deep breath. "Keep Snow safe for me," she says to me before taking a bite.

"NO! NO! Y/N!" I keep shouting. Y/n drops the apple, her skin slowly turning into black tree bark. "NO!" The bark spreads over all her skin as she cries out in surprise and pain.

"Merlin!" She cries, reaching for me as I'm pulled out of the tower.

"Y/N!" I scream. The last I see is her trying to step forward but the bark climbing up her neck. Regina laughing maniacally.

Red Shoes, Red Hood, 7 Dwarves ~ Merlin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now