29: Truth

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~The Next Morning~

I sat in the police station waiting for someone to rescue me, it reminded me of the night I was raped and I shuttered. Tony walked up to me and handed me a paper cup filled with water.

"Please drink it." he sighed, I felt so bad for putting him through this and I think he feels worse for not doing anything. I took a small sip from the cup and let the ice cold water slip down my throat.

"Alice, can we talk?" The officer asked politely. I nodded and stood up as he led me to a room with a table and 2 chairs, an interrogation room. I froze in my place and stared at the table.

"It's okay, you haven't done anything wrong. You have no reason to be scared." the officer said sitting in one chair and inviting me to sit in the other. Little did he know, I did... I did have a reason to be scared, all of my loved ones lives are in jeopardy. I walk slowly to the chair and sit down.

"Now tell me why you're here." He asked shoving a piece of gum in his mouth.

"W-Well, lately I've been getting threatening text messages from someone and I don't know who it is. They seem to be following me and it's getting worse." my voice was scratchy from all the screaming I did because of the nightmare I had last night, I pick up my cup, drink some more water and clear my throat.

"It's scaring me, I don't know how much more I can take." I confess.

"Do you have any proof or evidence?" I hand him the papers in my hands, I had taken screen shots of the messages and printed them out. He scans over them really quick and looks back up at me.

"These have been going on for months and you haven't reported them sooner?" he asked shocked. I just nodded and looked at my lap. He stood up and left the room, when I looked up I saw myself. There was a one way window in front of me and I could see my reflection, I had bags under my eyes and my cheeks were stained with tears. I looked awful, I quickly looked away. Just then the officer walked back in.

"I have good news and bad news." he smiled. He sat back down in front of me and looked me dead in the eyes.

"The good news is we traced where the texts were coming from..." he began, my head shot up and for the first time in a while, I smiled.

"The bad news is that the perp was using something we call a 'Throw away phone' so we can't trace who owns it." he finished up. My smiled faded and I felt my heart stop, they can't find him? What am I going to do now?

"It shows the last text was a month ago, I suggest that you should go on living your life and just forget about this. It was probably someone playing a prank." he stood up, shook my hand and walked out. I looked back at my reflection in the window and sighed, I wiped the streaks of makeup off my face and fixed myself up a little until I looked presentable. I walked out and ran into Tony's arms, I always feel safe there.

"I love you, promise you'll never leave." I whimpered.

"I would never leave you Alice... Would you marry me?" My eyes opened and I looked at him, he had a blank expression on his face and he looked at me.

"Yes." I smiled.

"W-What?" He stuttered.

"I love you Tony, I don't want anyone else... Yes, I'll marry you." He hugged me tighter.

Tony's POV

That wasn't the right moment and that wasn't how I wanted to purpose but it slipped out. I'm just glad she said yes. We hugged a little while longer until I kissed her lightly and we went home, it's time we start our lives together.
Holy shit I see PTV & SWS tomorrow!!!!!!! I've been waiting for the 25th for over 7 months and it's finally here!!!! Ahhhh world tour here I come!

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