19: Club

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I laid in the bed staring at the ceiling, just watching the fan go round and round again. I didn't want to get up but I had to pee. I walk into the bathroom to see my makeup smeared across my face and my red tear stained cheeks, I turn away from the mirror before my looks break it. I walk downstairs to see Tony making breakfast.

"Good morning babe." he says kissing my neck.

"What's so good about it?"

"I know you're sad that we lost Daniel but it's been two weeks and all you do is mope around and cry. Please cheer up baby, I hate seeing you this way." he walked to the closet and grabbed a rag, getting it damp and wiping the makeup off my face.

"You don't understand Tony! I fucking carried that child for 5 months just for him to be ripped away from me at the end!" I began to cry again and Tony hugged me.

"I know baby, I know."

"No Tony! You don't know! You've never carried a child before! You have no idea what I'm going through!" I tried to run up the stairs but someone grabbed my arm, thinking it was Tony I turned around to push him away. I didn't see Tony, I saw my uncle. I began to cry harder, i wiggled out of his grip and charged up the stairs. I turned around and all I saw was Tony, not my uncle. What's happening?

I ran to our room, shut the door and locked it. I leaned against the door and slid to the ground, pulling my knees to my chest. What's going on? Why did I see my uncle when he clearly wasn't there? I crawled over to the bed and fell asleep.

Tony's P.O.V.

After Alice ran up the stairs I called Vic.

"Vic, something's wrong with Alice. I thought it was just because we lost the baby but I'm starting to think its something more. We need to try to take her mind off of it."

"What did you have in mind?"

"Party..." I smiled to myself and hung up the phone. I sent Vic, Mike, Jaime, and Raven a message telling them to come over.

Alice's POV

I woke up to the sound of laughter coming from downstairs. I look at the clock... 10:00pm. I get up and slowly stomp down the stairs, when I get to the bottom I see Vic, Mike, Raven, Tony, and Jaime. I groan and walk into the kitchen. I grab a glass of orange juice and try heading back upstairs but everyone started to call my name.

"No! Just leave me alone." I said taking a sip of my OJ. Raven got off Mike's lap and started walking towards me. She hugged me then put her hands on my shoulders.

"Go get ready." she said with a small smile.

"Ready for what?"

"We're going out tonight." she whispered, her smile growing bigger.

"No, you guys go out. I'm going to stay here." Raven refused and I look behind her to see everyone shaking their heads no.

"Either ALL of us are going out or ALL of us will stay here with you. Sorry babe but we're not leaving you alone." she said with a small chuckle.

"Ugh fine whatever." I began walking upstairs, I look behind me to see Raven walking back to Mike and giving him a kiss. I'm glad she found someone that will be a great boyfriend and will treat her right. For the first time in 2 weeks, I smiled. My smile fades realizing that I have to get dressed and leave the house tonight. I'm not ready for this.

I walk into the bathroom, I look at the mirror and see I still look like absolute shit. Not thinking I punched the mirror where my reflection is and sat on the floor while I cried. I looked at the ground and see the shards of glass, I pick up the sharpest piece and admire it. I roll up my sleeves and look at the scars on my wrist, I sigh seeing the deepest scar.


I laid in the hospital bed looking at my bandaged up wrists and sigh. Why do I have to be alive? This should of worked. I should be dead right now. I jumped from my thoughts when the doctor walked in.

"Hello Miss Granger. Feel better?" She asked.

"I'd feel better if I was dead." I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing ma,am." I said with a fake smile. She gave me a weird look and looked at her chart.

"Well Alice, it looks like you popped 3 veins. Now tell me the truth... Was this a suicide attempt? If it was we would have to place you in a facility where you will have to go to therapy everyday."

"Oh umm no ma'am this was not a suicide attempt." I was NOT going to spend my life in a facility where they would watch me all day everyday. Hell fucking no. The doctor nodded and walked out and I fell asleep, waking up because I felt someone grab my hand... I look and see Tony.

~Flashback ends~

I realized Tony is my world, my entire life. I can't hurt him like this. I threw the piece of glass down and got in the shower, starting to feel a little better. Once I'm done I go into my walk in closet to pick out something to wear, knowing Raven were probably going to a bar. I don't know why but I decided to wear a dress... my favorite dress. It's a simple blue dress with thick spaghetti straps and it comes down just a little past my upper thigh. I slip it on and walk back into the bathroom, I grab my makeup bag and do my everyday makeup... black eye liner, black eye shadow, and mascara. I grabbed my hot straightener and began straightening my hair, when I was done I looked at my reflection. For to first time in forever I actually felt confident. I walked down stairs and Vic whistled.

"Damn Alice I didn't know you were this hot." Vic said in shock. I laughed as I saw Tony shooting him a death glare.

"Calm down Tone Tone. She's like my sister I'm not hitting on her." Vic said throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Can you two shut up. Now, who's gonna be our baby sitters?" I asked. Everyone looked at Jaime.

"Hell to the fucking no. I'm parting bitches. Screw that." Jaime spat. We turned our heads and looked at Vic.

"Nooooo." He whined but we didn't budge, he's stuck with the job.

We walked into the bar and in less than 10 minutes we did 15 shots. Some guys sitting at the bar bought me drinks, I didn't refuse because they were free. I downed the drinks and found Tony. I pulled him on the dance floor, considering we were both pretty drunk, I started grinding on him and he didn't seem to mind. I looked around and saw that ALL of us were drunk, even Vic. I laughed and continued grinding until Tony got hard. I look over to see Raven was grinding on Mike... I guess great minds think alike. I turned around and kissed Tony, he licked my bottom lip for entrance which I gladly granted. I felt like we were the only people in the world... I completely forgot about my problems, my life, Daniel, my mom, my dad, I forgot about everything. It was just me and Tony. No one else. I want to spend the rest of my life with this man.

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