2. A piece of the future

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God damn it
*huff huff*
I can do it
Please I can do it I cand oit icandoit
The first few months after Papa left were really hard. They got to call only three times a week. Mama started working really hard before opening to make the cafe as inviting as possible. It looked awesome in Izuku's opinion but she always seemed to find something she could improve upon.
Izuku especially liked the little study table for students. Ever since he dropped public school Izuku's grades had really thrived. He got breaks often enough and had free roam that gave him enough mental energy to get through his courses quickly. Izuku really thrives when he has a loose schedule to follow.

"Zuzu hon?"
"Yes mama?"
"How are you doing with your schoolwork? I was thinking we could take a little trip before we open the cafe next week? I just wanted to make sure it wouldn't interfere with your school work."
"Oh I should be fine! I'm almost done with fifth grade!"
"Oh wow honey good jo- wait Fifth grade? Zuzu you're supposed to be doing fourth!"
Inko walks over to the little study area to find her son cuddled in a bean bag nursing a warm peppermint cocoa in between his hands with his laptop sitting in the space between his knees.
"Mom I finished that like four months ago."
"What h-how isn't fourth and fifth grade where it gets hard? I didn't think you were spending so much time on the computer!"
"I'm not spending too much time mom just a little over (little over equals about 10 hrs :) what I would spend at school doing work! It's easier to get ahead since I work on the weekends too and I found this guy on school tube, it's like hero tube but strictly for help with schoolwork, and it's from the prequirk era but this guy explains stuff so well! He has all sorts of videos on all subjects! It's really helpful! So I've been catching on a bit easier"
"Oh well that's good then just make sure to take breaks hon."

Inko looked a bit startled at how well her son was doing but it made sense. It had already passed winter break and he had worked over that break too. Her son had always been bright but having been pulled down by how he was being treated he never really thrived till now.

"I will don't worry! I just wanna finish off math before we go since it's the hardest and it's still pretty easy!"
"Sure baby I was thinking we could leave this weekend and go into Tokyo? We could go visit other cafes and get a feel for what people like and we can go visit those really big hero shops that have a lot of merch for underground heroes, up and coming heroes, and a lot of retired heroes too!"

"Really?! Oh my gosh okay I'm gonna finish this so quick and pack and then brake open my piggy bank!!"
"Ah don't brake it open please!!"
"I was just excited I won't!"
Hitoshi hates Tokyo and not just an average kind of hate but to the point it borders on loathing. There's many reasons Tokyo is unappealing to someone in similar description to Hitoshi.

1. He hates crowds
What's Tokyo? A huge city with lots of crowds.

2. It's dangerous to be out at night in Tokyo
Hitoshi is practically nocturnal at this point.

3. Cats often get hit in the fast pace Tokyo traffic
Hitoshi loves cats and would die to keep one safe. Not doubt in his mind.

4. It's easy to get lost in Tokyo
Hitoshi doesn't like his family nor do they him but his mother has a weird possessive nature that is only heightened in big cities and Hitoshi often leaves with bruises around where she gripped his wrists.

Hitoshi hates Tokyo for so many reasons. The only saving grace is that the hotel they are staying at has cats in the alleyway and the hero shops have underground hero merch. So he didn't  mind as much when he was dragged across Tokyo for 12 hours. When he finally got back and his mom let him go pet the cats he decides it was well worth the bruises.

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