3. Cleaning up the puzzle

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Izuku's really excited because he gets to help his mom with an idea he came up with all by himself. He thought it up one night when he was taking the trash out and found an old chair out by the dumpster. He remembers seeing it on the people across the streets rooftop garden.

Instantly the thought struck his mind. One, outside seating, and two, rooftop garden! The rooftop garden can be for him and his mom own enjoyment and if he ever sees Shinso again, or makes a friend, the former much more likely, he could bring them up there to hangout.

It ended up being a little harder to make happen then he imagined but they were able to start the garden! It was still small and it would take a while before they could actually see the fruits of their labor but Izuku was really excited!

While their garden began to grow and sprout it's seeds they worked diligently on the outside aspect of their homey cafe. It started with pulling the weeds from the cracks in the sidewalk and dousing the cracks with weed killer which they also put along the edges of the building.

What was interesting about their building was that the street had been expanded creating a weird courtyard situation behind their building. Mom let him draw up his own idea and she would tweak it to fit with what they could do. The only issue is that there is a lot of trash and dumped furniture.

So Izuku got to work. He pulled out his sketchbook and computer to research the rules for their neighborhood so hopefully mom wouldn't have to tweak it too much. There were zoning laws and laws about what plants could be planted in planters, which gave him the idea to clean up their street medians plants.

Izuku was so excited to help his mom that he took a break from school since he definitely deserved one. He spent three days researching laws that applied to their cafe and wrote it down in his notebook in sections. There was plants, zoning, city regulations, animal care, and sanitation.

Plants had to do with invasive species and plants that the city preferred to be planted as well as maintenance of plant life, which only proved the city ignored the homeless areas since there was definitely no monthly maintenance work being done.

Zoning was mostly about outside seating in the front part of their shop. It wasn't hard to follow since they planned to have their outside seating in the courtyard and have two simple benches out in the front with a welcome mat. But it did give Izuku an idea of how much space he could use in the courtyard area.

City regulations was mostly about trash disposal and laws to do with building maintenance. The majority applied to his mom to pay attention to but he had to pay attention for outside lighting and things like that. It was a pretty small section compared to the others.

Animal care was a huge section in Izukus book where he set up a schedule for prime cat maintenance since they now had five cats to take care of and would eventually have more.

Sanitation didn't have many laws pertaining to outside seating specifically so Izuku made up his own rules that he planned on posting outside for guests and ingraining in any new employees.

Now that he had all the rules set out for him it was time to get to work. He grabbed gloves from their garden tools box and opened their dumpster. Which he'd have to clean cause it smelled realllllllyyyy bad.

So Izuku broke open his piggy bank (not actually his mom would kill him) and set to work.
He started with the dumpster, which was for his building and the building to the back of their building but that one was vacant. He started the day after trash pick up, Sunday, so the dumpster was cleaned out. He started with a pressure wash of the outside and then hopped in and deep cleaned the inside with a crap ton of chemicals. It was windy and he had  a mask on so the smell wasn't too bad.

He moved on the tearing the weeds out of the cracks in the pavement while the dumpster dried. He pressure washed all of the concrete and the entire back of his cafe (up to the first floor because he was still short and the water only reached so far.) He threw away all the garbage bags filled with weeds and trash into the dumpster and decided to move on to the medians in front of the building since he had all his gardening tools out already.

He tore up weeds and invasive species and removed some of the extremely dried out dirt that couldn't be spruced up.
"Izuku hon?"
Green looked up to meet sparkling green.
"Oh hi mama what's up?"
"I was gonna go out to do some errands so I need you to come inside. You can come with me if you'd like and we can get some mulch to put down to make the median look nicer."
"Really?! Yeah let me just wash up real quick."
"Okay, look both ways before you cross. I'll grab your tools for you."
"Thanks mama I'll be quick!"

That afternoon was forever special to Izuku. It was the day before the grand opening of their shop and one of his last truly happy days.

(A/N) IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN GONE SO LONG!! I moved to a different state and school started again and I've been so busy! I've really missed updating! I hope you guys enjoy this kinda short chapter sorry! Bye I'll try to update more over this break!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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