An Average Day

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What comes into your mind when you think of an average day? People rushing to work grabbing some coffee on the way? Staying in bed? Wishing mommy and daddy weren't so busy with work? Or wishing it was summer vacation already because school sucks? Well, those last two questions applied to two girls who lived in the same town. A young girl named Dorthy or Dori, who'd just turned ten and had been going to elementary as well as a 16 year old girl named Blythe, who went to the high school across from Dori's elementary school.

The two have known each other Since Dori was five as the Town they lived in like to keep all the school areas in one spot so that meant kindergarten and elementary school and high school as well as a university we're all in the same area within 2 miles. Most students found this layout annoying but they couldn't really change it unless they prefer to move to a different city and start a different school. So you end up seeing a lot of the same people for years on end until you either move away or get a job somewhere. Dori meanwhile was rushing to get dressed in her normal everyday outfit before rushing out towards her school, it was the last week of school and after summer vacation she was going to start at middle school, which she hoped wouldn't be that hard cause her disabilities had people constantly making fun of her for being ' a clean and unsociable freak', not that she cared cause she had one friend Blythe her babysitter and the bad part her parents were going out of town for the whole summer, best part BLYTHE got to come over constantly and watch her and make her feel loved at least for a whole summer while her parents were away. Blythe was in a different situation, her parents were both druggies and what little money they had spent on drugs and Blythe either had to babysit or preform on the street for money because she never had time to actually get a job. Her parents would both beat her whenever she was home and she slept in a bare room with only a mattress and a desk. Blythe had promised herself that once she had enough money, she would move away and take her best friend with her. Blythe dodged glass bottles and ran out of the house and ran up the street to meet Dori on their way to school. Dori soon went running all the way to Blythe's house and knocked a few times 

"BLYTHE?!" she called out not wanting to walk to school alone as she patiently waited for the door to open to show her good friend. Blythe heard her name get yelled and stopped hearing her voice and turned. She sighed and walked back over to her house. 

"Dori, I'm over here," she said with a small laugh, despite the fact she told her just to meet on the street corner many times before. Dori turned around before giggling and bolted over to where she was. 

"HI Blythe!! Can you believe that school ends soon and then it's summer vacation?!" she said super excited about it and all the possible fun they could have this summer. Blythe laughed and nodded. 

"Yup, looking forward to it! Never having to go back home for the day, and I can just camp out under the stars like a man!" the 16-year-old girl laughed and made a fist grinning, 

"Plus I get to hang with my favorite person." Blythe gave Dori a smile and ruffled her dark brown hair. Dori giggled some happily 

"Oh there's is also apparently supposed to be a party Friday night for all the students to go to so they can celebrate either moving up in the grades or graduating and no one can skip out...I don't know, i'm not sure i wanna go. People are mean because of my ADHD and OCD that the doctor is starting to believe is kinda serious since I reorganized his entire office when he stepped out for a cup of coffee the last time I went.." she said sadly. Blythe sighed and gave Dori a little hug as they walked. 

"Well, bright side that means I have to go and you'll be stuck with me at the party," she smirked at her, knowing full well that not many people pick on a little kid when they're with someone. Dori sighed some. "

I guess you're right but maybe we could just hang out by the woods or the food table. There are supposed to be a lot of good food choices." she said humming lost in thought about what to wear to the stupid party that she really didnt wanna go to but her parents were making her go to be 'social' and more open besides to just Blythe. Blythe only wanted to go for two or three reasons:

Food, food food, and more food

Music and performances


Blythe was an extrovert but never actually had a friend group unless you counted the strange group of what Wolf Bridge High calls, "the detectives", a group of premature paranormal hunters and gossipers. It consisted of 5 to 8 teens but they were always on top of the news and investigating stuff. One of their investigations led them to learn the supposed real reason why all the schools in the town were in one spot. Because it was a hot spot for kidnappings considering the world nowadays, which was believable, and murderers, which was slightly less believable. Dori then looked up at Blythe 

"The detectives aren't gonna have more pictures of dead people or bloody things around the school again are they?" she asked and shuddered, not wanting to see that when going to the lunchroom like last week where she had seen a picture of a kid with their stomach sliced open and some other things she refused to remember, it made her pretty sick to her stomach just remembering about it. Blythe cringed as they walked; the past two weeks have had no new news topics except murders. Adults and teens going missing and their bodies found days later in the woods. It made her sick, and the worst part was there was no DNA or evidence of who it could possibly be. It had gotten to the point where the town mayor had to enlist a curfew at 8pm when the sun was down to keep everyone safe. No one knew the killer's motives or targets as it all was just random. Like a sick game of cat and mouse... it took away the feeling of what an average day should be; a plan, a cycle that was repeated whether you liked it or not. It was normal. But the cycle was broken in a horrific way, and the whole town was gripped by fear by whoever was doing this, and what was supposed to be normal, felt like a struggle to stay alive... 

"I hope they don't show any pictures either..," Blythe muttered Dori sighed before seeing the poster about the party before she noticed the time 4pm to 12pm. It scared her. The thought of being out after curfew and what made it worse was the Mayor actually allowed it even though he had clearly stated NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS CURFEW! 

"How the heck did they get the Mayor to agree to such a late end time for the party? Also it says in small print will have a huge game of truth or dare sponsored by the Detectives themselves." she said, frowning deeply, not liking that at all. Blythe frowned hearing that bit. 

"Well, I think for starters they allowed such a late party, because of how many people are in one spot. If the killer is smart, he won't attack a large crowd and when everyone leaves, they still have groups of people leaving to go to their homes that are on the same street, like you and me. And as for truth or dare, no comment," She grumbled slightly annoyed; those truth or dare questions were never good ones, and usually just flat out embarrassing. 

"Oh i guess that makes some sense but hopefully the dares don't get too extreme like last year...seriously a dare to chug a gallon of mayonnaise? That's gross." Dori said before seeing the school up ahead and sighed 

"Almost makes me wish the party would get canceled cause I bet a chocolate bar that someones gonna get dared to enter the woods." she commented. 

"I'll bet two chocolate bars the schools can't legally allow that," Blythe said, stopping before they had to go to separate buildings for the day. Dori sighed before waving and walked towards her building with a small wave towards Blythe before vanishing inside the small building to make it to class on time, not wanting a late penalty even though they were just watching movies. She sighed and waited for lunch to roll around, getting pretty tired of constantly hearing about the party and some adult beverages involved and the teachers not gonna be there, as they were gonna have their own party, meaning anything could happen and unless told on, nobody would be getting a bad punishment.



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