The Game

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Dori looked between everyone and once Jeff started to count down from 10, she took off quickly into the woods in a somewhat random direction since the only rule was dont get caught for 30 minutes or get the punishment. Jeff was kind of surprised at how quickly Dori bolted off before looking at Blythe.

"5....4...." Jeff continued to slowly count down. Blythe panicked and ran off into the woods, violin in hand as she ran through the dark. EJ watched them run away before turning to look at Jeff.

"Are you hiding or hunting?" He asked him. Jeff looked at him once done counting before pointing in a random direction and once EJ looked that way Jeff took off in an opposite direction from the girls so he didnt risk running into one of them or letting EJ get a double catch. EJ Just left and when he was done counting instantly voted off in the direction Dori has gone. He started to sniff and track her down moving silently and quickly. Dori was hiding up in a tree near a birds nest where it had died from some sort of an attack as she tried to use that to hide her sent before looking down and spotted EJ directly below her as she held her breath knowing it would take a moment to climb up to the same height as her and should he spot her, her gymnastic classes would come in handy. EJ definitely did have her scent and he could tell by the way lingered she was right above him but made no moves to hunt for her at the moment and instead went in the direction Blythe was in. He frowned, turned back to the area where Dori was hiding in the tree and left... or did he? 

Dori looked around before slowly moving her foot causing it to hit a small twig and it to break and fall to the ground but Dori stayed put for a moment before slowly climbing down to the next branch before leaping to the tree beside her quickly. But EJ suddenly tackled her when she started to climb up the tree and instantly pinned her down to the ground and shoved a needle into her leg grinning at her.

"Hey there tiny," he chuckled, picking up her four inch form, having grabbed a smaller injection and dangled her in front of his face.

"That needle jabbed in my leg hurts it you know..god why me first?" Dori asked unhappily as she hung upside looking at EJ before sighing some knowing she was the first one caught. 

"Because I recognize your scent better, plus I think Blythe will need a familiar face when I catch her," he smirked and dropped her in his mouth, gave her a few suckles and swallowed and went after Blythe next. Dori yelped when she was dropped into EJs mouth before grunting at the salvia coating her body before lightly flinching when she went down his throat quickly before landing in his stomach and sighed some as she leaned against the wall pouting a small bit at being caught so quickly.

EJ soon made it towards an area where Blythes scent was the strongest before stopping as he waited to see where she was hiding because even with his dark navy blue mask on he could easily hide in plain sight as he looked around the clearing and up into the trees, remembering what Dori had done. Blythe was actually in a log partly hidden in a Bush. She sneezed suddenly, remembering she's allergic to ceder.

"Shit!" She thought and didn't move. EJ smirked as he snuck over there before grabbing her and pulled her out quickly injecting her with the 4 inch serum before picking her up by her shirt and lifted her to his face as he moved his mask to show his mouth which held a smirk.

"Got you." he said before placing her in his mouth and licked her over a few times before swallowing her down easily. Dori looked up hearing EJ swallowing someone and moved out of the way quickly. Blythe shrieked and thrashed when EJ licked her and yelped when he swallowed.

"MY VIOLIN!!" She shouted and grunted landing in his stomach and sat up, "Dori?" She was shaking a little but was beyond relieved to see her. EJ rubbed his mostly full stomach and grabbed the violin and started to find Jeff. Jeff was near an old cabin he only really knew existed as he hid inside underneath the stairs just behind a cellar trap-door from the floor as he relaxed some, Dori gave a small grin as she chuckled.

"Hi Blythe, he kinda caught us both quickly huh?" Dori asked, embarrassed about being caught so easily. 

"Yeah.. but he also ate us..," she muttered still shocked. EJ smirked running after Jeff and tackled him jerking both girls around.

"Eh doesn't seem too bad to me." Dori said, shrugging before yelping when she got pressed against a wall before getting Blythe slammed into her stomach making her breath leave her body instantly with a small grunt of pain.

"Ow...get off me please Blythe..." Dori said seriously.

"Ouch, dammit EJ!" Jeff snapped trying to get free and out from underneath him as he struggled before feeling both Blythe and Dori in EJs middle before sighing "Alright you let them out." he said seriously. EJ shook his head and Stabbed Jeff with a needle and shrunk him down to 5 inches.

"No I don't win until I have all my belly buddies," he chuckled picking him up and decided to be more of a jerk with him. He licked Jeff like a Lollipop and purred. Jeff yelped and gagged some thrashing madly "NO!" he snapped trying to force himself free from EJs grip grip not really wanting to inside EJs stomach knowing EJ, hed would go back to the mansion and keep them in there for a few hours before letting them out in time for dinner, after telling them how long they lasted before being caught.

"Let me go! I dont wanna be in there till an hour before dinner!" Jeff said seriously trying to wiggle his way free from EJs grasp. "What? Afraid I'll get hungry with you three inside?" He chuckled and shoved him into his mouth and sucked on him before swallowing and sighing in content at all the wiggling in his body. Jeff yelped struggling the whole way down before falling down on top of Blythe who was still on Dori.

"GET OFF PLEASE!" Dori said seriously trying to get her breath back as Jeff quickly got up and moved. Blythe got off and held Dori on her lap looking at Jeff.

"I honestly Wasn't thinking you would end up in here if you've played this game before," she said seriously partly insulting him. EJ listened in taking the violin and and heading back to the mansion rather amused with the conversation starting in his guts.

"I can only go so many times with actually being able to get out of this, EJ has a home field advantage as he does this quite a bit and had even managed to get Slender in here, funny day that was. Kinda surprised though, hey EJ I know your listening how long did we all last?" Jeff asked seriously.  EJ hummed and counted on his fingers for a second.

"Dori was three minutes, Blythe four, and Jeff was seven," he listed and belched a little which made the space a bit more snug, and made Blythe yelp and try to make more room. Jeff sighed before thinking.

"Wasnt too bad for first timers but you could have gone a bit easier and seriously give us some more room please, I doubt Blythe wants to end up on my lap by accident and lack of space." Jeff called out as Dori shifted some trying to get more comfortable. EJ shrugged and swallows air and relaxed his stomach and gave them more room. Blythe relaxed and leaned back, a bit tired but not tired enough to sleep.

"Thanks E," she said patting the walls a bit. He shrugged but smiled. Dori yawned loudly before petting the wall some before snuggling up and fell asleep easily. Jeff sighed some in relief as he sat there humming as he looked around the stomach in boredom. Blythe accidentally drifted off and leaned against Jeff after falling to the side and slightly hugged his arm. Jeff stiffened at first at the sudden arm hugging action from Blythe before trying to relax some as he asked a question.

"How long we gonna be in here today?" Jeff asked EJ seriously trying not to make any sudden movements and risk waking up Blythe or Dori. 

"Seeing how dinner is in three hours and the girls are asleep, I'd say just two hours," EJ shrugged and got back to the mansion both girls now out cold. Jeff grumbled.

 "Fine Imma try and sleep to pass the time." as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Sally looked up at EJ holding up a few toys.

"Play with me?" She asked in a hopeful voice. EJ smiled and nodded patting her head.

"Sure, I need to pass the time anyway," he chuckled picking up the doll, "can I be the knight this time?" Sally nodded happily glad someone was actually gonna play with her for once before sighing some.

"Oh Slender wanted to talk to you about a possible mission for Blythe and Dori..." Sally said about 40 minutes later.


~~Ooh wonder whats gonna happen next? Find out in the next chapter, see you there!

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