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The few days that followed the first day in the gym were... well, different. For starters, Blythe and Dori had less chores to do which on one hand was great, but this meant more training with Jeff and EJ. Toby had of course told everyone about Dorothy and Doro, Dori's 'Angel and Demon sidekicks' as he worded it, and most pastas wanted to see them. Especially Slender who wish to put in a word with all three of them when they were all present, but the two haven't been showing up as much lately. Blythe had been struggling with combat, and had bruised and hurt her hands enough to make playing the violin absolutely painful. She was devastated honestly and at this point was ready to just hide and do work and not train.

Right now EJ was searching for Dori, who'd been avoiding him for a bit to talk to her.

"Alright whatd you say to the kid EJ?" Jeff asked having gotten annoyed with EJ searching high and low for the always vanishing Dori who made it a personal point to avoid EJ after what he had said to her during their first training and she was only around him long enough to do the training before vanishing again. Dorothy and Doro hadn't been seen since they both puffed away into smoke to hide away in different places in Dori's head and. Dori was cleaning up Slender's office just for the hell of it and trying to stay away from EJ until lunch so she wouldn't have to face him or talk to him, she hoped. What he had said really upset her a lot.

"I was being blunt and wasn't really thinking about what I said.. I want to apologize," EJ said seriously and kept looking for her. He was annoyed with himself and looked back at Jeff. "And how's training with Blythe?"

"Going pretty good, she probably pissed cause she cant play her violin, wondering why she's so attached to the damn thing, although I swear when they first died the violin and a camera vanished into thin air when we started moving them so how does she have that back... Check with Slenderman about Dori, cause we got triple training together today." Jeff said seriously before trying to find Blythe to inform her of the changes to their training. EJ nodded and went to find her again.

Blythe was in her room, doing some hand exercises, and winced moving too fast. She picked up her black instrument and played a few notes but felt pain doing so.

"Come on come on..," she muttered and tried again. She played faster notes and squeaked seeing something dark purple float like smoke from her violin strings but it instantly vanished and second she stopped playing. "What-?!" Jeff had walked in and had seen that as well and was quite shocked to be honest. Dori was still working on sorting mission files for Slender. EJ sighed when he found her and coughed a little to get her attention.

"Dori can we speak please?" He asked her coming a little closer. Dori looked over and huffed before turning and gave a nod of completion to Slenderman before walking towards the training ground.

"Not now. I'm only going to train." Dori said refusing to look EJ in the face as Sally came over and looked at EJ confused.

"Why is Dori giving you the cold shoulder?" Sally asked confused.

"I said something stupid," he frowned and followed Dori. He was tired of this and was Struggling to retain himself from drastic measures to get her to listen. Blythe in the meantime played another song and watched the purple smoke rise. She couldn't help but imagine it grabbing something and as soon as she pictured it the smoke raced over to Jeff and grabbed his knife and held it to his face. Blythe instantly panicked and stopped playing and the knife hit the floor as the smoke vanished.

"Okay... this is a very very new level of weird for me," she muttered not moving.

"I can tell, anyway come on, you, me Dori and EJ are gonna be doing some extra training today, more of a tripe training day. Hope Dori and EJ are on talking terms again.." Jeff said picking his knife up from the floor and placing it back in its holster as Dori continued to refuse to speak or even be near EJ, since she apparently disappointed him with their first training and she didn't need anymore people being disappointed in her. The news a few days ago had finally said something about herself and Blythe being missing after a party game gone wrong. EJ scowled and ran up to Dori and injected the shrinking needle in her arm and watched her shrink to six inches.

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