Princess (Fuslie)

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(Short Chapter)
(Your POV)

I'm currently playing a game on my PC. I'm not streaming right now, I'm just having some fun on my own. I'm also playing this game because I need some practice on this game if I'm going to stream it and play with friends. I need to be good if people want to watch me play this game.

Right now, my girlfriend Leslie came over this morning and she's in my bedroom, on my bed, watching some TV. I would watch with her, but I'd rather play this game and get good. I did ask her if she wanted to play with me, but she wants to watch TV.

As I'm playing the game, I suddenly hear Leslie calling for me.

Fuslie: Babe!

You: Yeah?!

Fuslie: Can you come here please?!

You: Okay!

I get up from my PC, leave my gaming room and go inside my bedroom. I see Leslie lying down on my bed, controller in hand and she's scrolling through Netflix, finding what to watch. She looks over at me and smiles at me.

You: What's up?

Fuslie: Can you get me the bag of chips that's downstairs?

You: Yeah sure, did you want just the plain potato chips or the sour cream and onions?

Fuslie: Hmm... Both!

You: Both? Okay then.

I leave the room and go downstairs in my pantry to get both bag of chips that are unopened. I was planning to eat one of these while I game, but Leslie wanted them first, so I'll get to eat them later. Hopefully she doesn't finish both bags.

I grab both bags, head upstairs and go back into my room.

You: Here you are.

Fuslie: Yay! Thank you!

You: You're welcome.

I set the bag of chips down on the bed and Leslie gives me a kiss on the cheek. I leave my room, go back to my gaming room and continue playing my game.

After five minutes of playing my game, I hear Leslie calling me again.

Fuslie: Babe!!

You: Yes sweetie?!

Fuslie: Can you come here?!

You: Uh... Yeah, okay! Give me a second!

I play a bit more of my game, then get up, leave and go back into my bedroom. I see Leslie in the same spot with those unopened bag of chips, still searching for something to watch on Netflix. She looks over me and smiles at me.

You: Yeah?

Fuslie: Can you get me the cans of soda downstairs?

You: Yeah, you just want one?

Fuslie: Oh no. I want the whole six-pack.

You: You want all six of the Cokes I have?

Fuslie: Yes please!

You: Um... Okay then, I'll be back.

I leave the room and go downstairs to the fridge to get the Coca-Cola six-pack I bought the other day. I was planning to drink one of them as I eat one of the bags of chips while I game. But if Leslie wants them, that's fine I guess. I can probably swoop on by while I game and grab a can. But it's fine if she has them now, I don't want one right now.

I grab the Cokes, head back upstairs and go back into my room.

You: Here you are.

Fuslie: Yay!! Thank you!!

Valkyrae/Pokimane (And Others!) x Male Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now