Chapter 1. Test is scary

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The sun shines and its light found its way to a small house, the windows were blocked and it can't pierce through it.

Behind the windows was a room, a young man was lying on the bed and his eyes slowly opened, he glances at the window and a thought popped in his mind.

"Morning window."

Noah got up and walked towards the chair, the laptop was on and one could see words on it.

"Hey, when do you plan to go back to school?"

Noah frowned and stared at the message, beside the message was a profile of a girl, it was a pretty girl but this pretty girl made Noah frowned so hard that he closed the laptop.

"Why does that girl cares so much? Haiz I guess I will take a visit to the school."

This man was the ideal idol of students, telling them that he will visit the school. If teachers heard this maybe they would take action!

Noah took a bath and after that changed his clothes, the clothes were white and the pants were black, his shoes were also black and with his pale appearance, he was good looking.

He ate some biscuits while walking out of the house, Saint Woods City is a popular city, there are eight cities and hundred villages. Being to go into one of the cities proves that the people living here were better in status compared to those in the village.

Cars passed and Noah walked for about ten minutes before a tall building slowly appeared in his sight, as he walked the tall building became clear and there were many students like him walking at the entrance.

"After this, I will never come here."

Noah thought to himself before entering the school, Nine Star Academy one of the popular schools in Saint Woods City, they just have more benefits that's why they are one of the popular schools in the city.

Noah didn't bother with those benefits, he was so bored that even if a job came he would reject it. Noah stepped on the stairs and soon he arrived at the second floor of the building.

Classroom 2-A

Noah looked above and saw the classroom name, it was divided into four. Mainly 1-4 one being the smartest and five to the not smartest.

A-D A being the classrooms that had better chairs and other types of furniture as well better teaching. One could say the school takes care of its students.

Noah pushed the door and it opened revealing the students inside, the time was 6:40 AM and the teacher will arrive at 7:00 AM.

Noah didn't look at those who looked at him, they must be shocked.

"Oh my gosh, this man came!"

"This is worth celebrating!"

"I thought he died, now I believe in miracles!"

Noah sat at the back and looked at the floor, he was tired. His body is nothing in front of those students, they study well and train their bodies well!

At the front, A girl stands up her hair was white and it was beautiful as though a princess. She stared at Noah and walked in his direction.

The students didn't look at her, they focused on talking to each other while some staring at their notebooks. Ah, it seemed a test was bound to happen!

"Don't come I'm sick."

Noah said, his voice was soft and one could say that it belongs to a girl, however, Noah's voice was natural it was just like that, so some people mistook him as a girl when they first heard his voice.

The girl paused and after a few seconds still walked towards him, she put a folded paper in his desk before walking to her desk.

The students were curious, what is that folded paper? What is its content? Is it contain a secret concerning the evolution of humanity?

Jokes aside many students were just curious, they all have some principle so they didn't ask what it was.

Soon the teacher came and announce that a test will begin in a few minutes, the student's faces pale when they heard that. Although some people see them as smart students they will still fear when they heard the word test.

Thus the students read their notebooks, Noah looked at them. He doesn't have those notebooks, his bags contained... nothing.

"After this, I will never come back here, so it's pointless even if I got a bad score."

Noah thought and thinks it again, yes it was a good calming pill for him. He gradually relaxes and watches those students reading in their notebooks as though their life depended on it.

He moves his head and saw those who were struggling, looking closely at these students they have some black eyes. Hohoho what did they do last night?

They play games! Now look at what happened, they are struggling to understand the contents of their notebooks.

A smile appeared on Noah's face, his eyes squinted as he wants to dance in happiness. These students make my day a happy one!

The teacher was watching the students and saw a new face in the classroom, no not a new face but it's rare for this face to appear here. Has the world changed?

Noah felt a tingling feeling to his side so he turned his head and saw the gaze of his teacher, he was put in an awkward situation.

He could play fake by reading a notebook as though he was studying but now... he didn't even have some notebooks let alone study it.

Still remembering the calming thought earlier, he raised his hand and the teacher said, "What is it, Noah?" The teacher of course knew his name even when he doesn't appear at school.

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

Noah replied while staring at the eye of his teacher, the latter nodded her head and replied, "The test will begin in a minute so be fast."

Noah nodded and walked out of the room, he heaves a sigh of relief. Even when he knew this will be the last day of his visiting the school the pressure was still difficult to cope with!

The teachers are really scary! When one was a kid one would be scared of monsters on the tv, when one grows to be a student the monsters turned into teachers!

Noah walked into the hallway and fewer students were walking around, at this time most of the students were in their respective classrooms.

Noah walked into the bathroom and stepped into a small room and closed the door. He sat at the toilet waiting for a minute to pass before he would walk back to the classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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