part three (20)

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dear God,

i am a mere being that needs You every second of every minute in my life. i apologize for sometimes thinking i'm strong enough to stand on my own two feet. help me understand that all i ever need is You, and help me take pride in knowing that fact. You are everything, the beginning and the end, and i thank You wholeheartedly for paying attention to me, when i am not even worth a dot in the universe.

You have allowed me to see colour with my eyes, and held my hand as i walked through every chapter in my book of life. my gratitude cannot be explained by mere words, so help me have the heart to show You through my life.

how much compassion, love and willingness You have for Your people is beyond amazing, and i wish to have at least a pinch of the good You possess.

i am weak, but through You i am strong.


a person that is not worth Your love.

and there you have it. my attempt at half-decent poetry.

these words are a part of me ; some are my thoughts and reflections while some are from figments of my imagination.
dare i say,
you now hold a part of me and an inside look into my reveries.
i am leaving these pieces with you,
hopefully safe in your hands.

thank you.

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