chapter 7: metting the queen

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I was still in the forset and walking I was walking when I heard the doctor calling my name "Lilly?" he said I looked and I climbed up a tree and I sat on a branch "Lilly where are you I'm sorry." he said I staied quiet I saw him look around I climbed a little higher I wasn't afraid of hights I climbed trees all the time when I was growing up got in a lot of trouble though I sneezed and he looked up "Lilly get out of the tree." he called up "no." I said he started walking over to the tree "please?" he said "no." I said again "alright then." he said and started climbing up "doctor stop." I said but he kept on climbing he slipped "doctor." I said and I started to come down "no you stay." he said I shook my head "nope I'm coming down." I said he looked up and I sat on the branch where he was at "hello mister." I said "told you to stay there." he said "and I said no." I said "ok fine you win." he said "yep I always win." I said he rolled his eyes "doctor I want to tell you something." I said he shrugged "ok." he said I took a deep breath "can you make me a time lord or whatever girls are called what's a girl called time lady?" I said he was shocked "doctor you ok?" I said "what yeah but why I mean your a human." he said I nodded "that's the problem lkie you said I die but being a time lady I can regenerte and never grow old." I said "but that means you can never go back to your mum." he said I sighed "I know." I said "ok you can." he said "oh doctor thank you." I said and I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek he smiled "now lets go see the queen your going to love her." he said climbing down I smiled and started to go after him we walked back in my room I changed it back into a wall and we walked into the control room I smiled "you might want to get dressed." he said I smiled and ran out i walked back in wearing a dress he smiled and we landed we were in London but it was old London "now we can go see the queen." he said "hold up how come you don't have to dress up?" I asked him "didn't I tell you people are drawn to the bow tie and there satisfied." he said fixing it I rolled my eyes he just smiled we walked in the doctor flashed his psychic paper and two gaurds opned the doors we walked in "Lilly may I present to you Queen Victroria." he said I did a cursty the doctor bowed "you're magastiy may I present to you princess Lilly of Cardiff and I am prince John Smith of London." she  smiled "thank you John and Lilly." she said "you welcome mam." I said "but may I ask why are you here?" she said "well this will answer this." said the doctor and he showed her the psychic paper she looked at it her smile faded 'oh no' I thought "gaurds." she said two of them came "you are not a prince or a princess." she said "um were not?" said the doctor she shook her head the garuds grabbed us "throw them in the dungon." she said "oh this is just great." I said the door slammed shut "so how long are we going to be in here?" I said the doctor srugged his shouders "don't know." he said "well wake me up when its morning." I said and I laied down and fell asleep. I woke up to the doctor shaking me I looked and he had a beard I yelped and got a rock and threw it "Lilly ow it's me the doctor." he said "no your not." I said and I picked up another one and I threw it again "Lilly would you stop." he said I kept doing it he grabbed my wrist and the rock fell out "Lilly look at me its me the doctor." he said I looked up to see his green eyes he smiled "doctor." I said he smiled "why do you have a beard was I out for a long time?" I said he nodded "about three days I didn't want to wake you." he said I nodded "oh were going to get hanged today." he said "WHAT!?" I said "yeah said that to soon." he said "why what did we do!?" I said "now calm down." he said and placed his hand on my shoulder "how can I I'm going to get hanged tomorrow I can't even regenerate you can." I said "well yeah." he said jsut then there was two gaurds they uncloked the door "ok we have to get out of here." I said he nodded there were a lot of people 'they all came here to see me die' I thought I looked at the doctor and he smiled and grabbed my wrist  "stop them!" said a gaurd I almost tripped over my dress we ran to the TARDIS and ran inside the doctor ran in first then me I closed the door he went to the console and pulled a lever down I sat in a chair "sometimes you are crazy and get rid of that beard its freaking me out you look like a old man on Scooby- Doo." I said "I think it looks cool." he said I rolled my eyes "just get rid of it." I said "alright miss bossy." he said I stuck my toungh out at him he did it back I walked out and got dressed in my night gown I walked back in and sat down he was shaved I yawned "go to bed." he said I shook my head "nope." I said he picked me up "doctor put me down." I said he placed me in bed and he sat down in a chair "you know I'm not tired." I said putting my head on my pillow he walked over to me and started to play with my hair wich was fine I liked it I was getting tired and he sang a Gallifreyan lalaby I closed my eyes and soon I was asleep he smiled and walked out and closed the door on the way soon she will be a time lord he thought and walked to his room and fell asleep. 

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