Ch. 1- Familiar Touch

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Teepakorn's P.O.V

They say 'friend with benefits is just another way to say good enough to hang out with, good enough to lay with but never good enough to be with. Then why do I wanna be with him? He was least interested in me.

It's so cute when two people aren't "officially together" but still call each other babe or other nicknames. When they still claim he/she is mine. They act like a couple, they're not together but they're talking. They're together at heart. Ya know? It's so adorable, seeing people be so in love or like each other so much. Seeing them adore the presence of each other. Not officially together, but eventually will be.

I read those lines from Pinterest and found them relatable. I saw the time displayed on my phone screen, 10:27 pm I need to go to the bed as tomorrow is the first day of my new job. I am excited and also nervous at the same time, I hope everything will be fine. But before I go to my dreamland let me tell you guys that he used to call me 'Tine'.

The next morning, I was greeted Good morning by my morning wood and now it's time to do the thing I never get tired of... A long shower.

I don't need to worry about breakfast as I have a maid for cooking and cleaning. My family is rich, I know how you guys will say things like born with a silver spoon and all but I am not a lazy ass I like to working and earn money. I bought a house near my workplace so I can easily walk to the office. I called the driver with my luxurious car, No, not showing off or something, I can go by walking but my first day and I don't wanna reach the office looking sweaty and tired.

The best thing about this area it's not much crowded and also has a calm atmosphere compared to the heart of the city. The roads are clear and the surroundings are beautiful, this is the reason I don't wanna leave this place.
The car stops in front of the 20 story building. I got out of the car and entered the building after asking my driver to go back. 'I'm a great believer in luck. I find that the harder I work the more luck I seem to have.' Alright alright, these lines are from Google. With this thought in my mind, I entered through the glass door. I asked the receptionist and she told me to go to the 9th floor.

Walking through the lobby I saw a familiar figure but then I shook my head and mentally slapped myself for my assumptions.
The elevator was about to close when I got in, it was a bit crowded. My fingers went to press the button which had the number '9' but instead, my finger bumped into someone's finger who had already pressed it. I turned to look at the person standing beside me and my eyes met those dark brown orbs, the same mesmerising eyes. 'Tine' was the only word that came out of his mouth in a low voice. "Hi," I stuttered before giving him a half-smile and break the eye contact looking here and there. After most of the people got out of the elevator on the 2nd floor an awkward silence engulfed the elevator. I look at the metal door which showed me our reflection, Sarawat was busy with his phone, he wasn't changed much, he had a cold-faced person with perfect facial features, especially his lips they are so kissable. And I guess he uses the perfume of the same brand as I can smell the same Cologne. The only difference is his hair, his silky bangs that used to cover his forehead were slicked back making him look hotter. I have always seen him wearing casuals, this my first time seeing him in formal clothes. He has also grown muscular. I clearly remember everything about him... My train of thoughts was interrupted by the sound of the elevator indicated we have reached our Destiny, Sarawat put his phone into the pocket and walked out as the door opens. I followed him before taking a last look at my reflection.

We were in our boss's off waiting for him to arrive. The door open and it was a beautiful girl wearing high heels and a short skirt with a shirt. She went to Sarawat and hugged him
"Hey baby, why are you not answering my calls?" She said pouting

"Sorry, Rebecca, I haven't checked my phone since morning as it's on silent mode," Sarawat answered.

Before she could continue her eyes fell on me "who is he? Is he with you or he a newbie just like you?" She asked Sarawat who was looking at me. I answered her with a Yes before Sarawat could say anything. "We know each other,we were together" I added
I noticed panic on Sarawat's face while Rebecca was giving us a questioning look.

"I mean we were together in the elevator," I said and smiled nervously.

Rebecca was about to ask something but the sound of her phone diverted her attention. She excused herself and went out to answer the call. I wanna have a conversation with him but don't know how to start it. Then I gather some confidence and finally asked.

"You also got a job here?"

"This is my uncle's company and I joined it today. "

"Oh, that's great, congrats"

"Same to you"

"I-I was surprised to see you here after these two years"

"Same here, why didn't you contacted me." I could feel a change in Sarawat's voice at the last part of the sentence.

"I don't know what to talk about and you could have also tried to contact me."

"After everything happened, I still don't know how to have a casual talk with you, it feels awkward"

"Yeah- " my sentence was cut when the boss arrived.

I don't know why we both panicked when she questioned us, Why our past keeps following us? It was not that dark then why it is making us uncomfortable with each other?

After getting instructed by the boss, we were taken to our desks which were opposite each other. We both were gonna work on the same project that's what a senior employee told us. While working I glanced at him saw him going through some paper as he looked up from the paper and we had eye contact for a second before I shifted my gaze.

A few minutes later I caught him looking at me and when I looked at him he looked down and continued with his work.

It's lunch break now. I went to the office's canteen. The person who manages the canteen was sweet and humble, I ask his name and he said everyone calls him uncle Kik. I chat with him for few minutes before ordering a coffee and went to the restroom. When I came back to take my coffee, I saw Sarawat waiting to get his food we look at each other and exchanged a smile. Taking my coffee I started looking for a table to seat, luckily I found one.

After a minute Sarawat came there and me if I am ok with sharing the table. Why is the acting polite and sophisticated, we were not like this before? I thought and just nodded. He placed his plate on the table and took a seat opposite me. "How are you doing?" He asked before shoving a spoon full of rice in his mouth "I am good" I pause to take a sip of my coffee "it's strange, we end up working at the same place together" I continued
"Yeah, it feels a bit Uhm... awkward, can't we just forget what has happened in the past, it's been two years now, Tine. As we are working together we need to co-operate with each other and work as a team." Hearing his words I felt relief.
"Yes, you are right," I said
"Let bygones be bygones"

That awkward moment when the awkward moment you thought was awkward really wasn't awkward and you created an awkward moment by thinking and the non-awkward moment was actually awkward now, it's an awkward moment.

I still doubt that I'll be comfortable with Sarawat.
I took the last sip of my coffee and thought of waiting for Sarawat to finish his food. He was almost done when Rebecca walked to our table
"Hey babe, what are you doing here? Come to my cabin I'll order lunch for us." She said

"No, it's okay I am almost done and I need to get back to work as it my learning phase I wanna give my best" Sarawat replied.

Is he avoiding Rebecca, he lied to her in the morning about not checking his phone when he was busy with his phone all the time in the elevator.

"Hmm... Okay then ask me if you need any help, see you around." She looks a bit disappointed but still managed to give Sarawat a genuine smile and left.

"Is she your girlfriend?" I asked him
"Yes, she is but-" his words got cut by his phone's ringtone he excused himself answering the call and I went back to continue my work.

In the evening when it was finally time to go home, I packed my things and walked toward the lobby. I waved my hand and said goodbye to Sarawat.
"See you tomorrow," he said and we turned and walk in opposite directions.

Reaching home, I got fresh and had my dinner. Now I am laying in on my bed thinking about my whole day especially my encounter with Sarawat. The way he was behaving today, the politeness in his voice, that emotionless face. Does something happen to him? Cause as much as I remember he was not like this in our university days. Wanna know about our university life story?? then let's travel 4 years back......

To be continued.

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