Chapter Nineteen

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"Okay we need to move her." Abby says wiping the sweat from her brow with her forearm 

"Move her where?" Finn asks 

"We can't just sit in here. She will die." Abby says 

Madi gripped her aunts hand tightly. Luna was struggling to breath as she locked eyes with green. She felt like her baby sister was here with her in a way. If she were to die, she would want it to be surrounded by people she loved. Not in some war zone. It would be better this way. 

"Okay... there's a wheel chair around the corner. I can grab that for her." Finn says 

Abby noddded. Finn took off and was back in seconds with the wheel chair. They carefully helped Luna into it who groaned in pain. Abby handed the Iv and blood bag to Finn. 

"Here. Hold this up." She says 

Finn followed her orders. Abby picked up Madi and then took over holding the Iv and blood bag. Finn began to push Luna to the doorway. They made it down the hall when a figure came around the corner. They all halted in their steps.

"Mr. Webster...." Abby gasps 

"I didn't plan to kill all those people.I only planned to shoot the chief... and Dr.Woods.... and you." Mr.Webster says as he points the gun towards Finn 

Luna gripped the handrests of the wheel chair with white knuckles. 

"You declared her brain dead. You killed my wife." Mr.Webster says 

Abby closed her eyes and held Madi to her body tightly as tears cascaded down her face

A gunshot goes off and Abby jumps in fright. Finn drops to the ground scared. Luna ripped the tubing out of her arm and moved forward and tried to fight against Mr.Webster for the gun. Her efforts were minimal due to how weakened she was. But she wouldn't die without a fight. Finn rapidly looked over his body and noticed he was fine. He looked behind them and saw Anya in the distance with a gun. 

 "Get out of the way Luna!" Anya roared 

"Take the shot!" Luna hissed as Mr.Webster elbowed her in the gut 

"You're in the way! there is no shot. Move!" Anya yelled as she tried to get a clear aim on the shooter 

"Take the fucking shot Ahn! Shoot him through me. Just shoot." Luna yelled back as she hit the ground after a punch to the face 

Anya fired and the bullet collided with Mr.Websters shoulder. He ducked behind the corner clutching his wound. 

"Everyone behind me now." Anya said as she advanced ahead cautiously 

Mr.Webster took off down the cooridoor. He still had a mission to complete. He couldn't be stopped so soon. 

"Talk to me sis." Anya says as she quickly pears past the corner with the gun. She had no sights on Mr.Webster 

"Never been better." Luna groaned as she clutched her bleeding side. She had torn a few stitches it appears.

"I just stitched those!" Abby chastises 

"He's gone for now. I'm getting you out of the building and then i'll come finish this." Anya says

Finn helped Luna back in the chair and reattached the tubing to her arm. 

"Have you seen Clarke or Lexa.. Raven?" Abby asks 

Anya's mouth opened and closed a few times. "Raven made a 911 call...." She says 

"And?" Luna snaps 

"Lexa and the chief have been shot." Anya says 

"Oh my god." Abby says 

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