Chapter Eleven

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"Neil!!" Margaret yelled as we ran towards his bloody body lying on the ground. "Neil, keep your eyes open!!" She yelled as Xavier lifted Neil with a lot of effort.

We practically ran to the car and Xavier placed Neil in the backseat as soon as we reached the car. Margaret sat in the back with Neil his head on her lap, while Xavier drove and I occupied the passengers seat. All of us were worried sick. No one knows where that car appeared from and that motherfucker didn't even stop to see how Neil is doing. The person just drove away without glancing back. Xavier started the car and not soon after, we were already on the road, driving to the hospital.

"Neil, please open your eyes... Keep them open goddammit! Neil, please stay with me. Don't leave me. You promised that you'd be there for me no matter what. Don't leave me hanging. Please Neil. I love you, please stay with me Neil." Margaret kissed the back of Neil's hand.

Tears started to build up in my eyes and I freely let them stream down my face. I still can't believe he got hit by a car. A few moments ago everything was fine. We were singing and doing stupid things on the road and in the restaurant, bugging people. I heard Xavier breathing heavily as he raced down the road.

"Xavier! Hurry! He's loosing too much blood. Please." Margaret cried.

"I'm doing! I'm doing!" His voice cracked a bit.

I folded my hands as I started praying. "Please let him be okay. Please." I cried, my face covered in tears. "Please."

"Neil! No! Open your eyes! No Neil! Don't close your fucking eyes!! Neil!! Xavier! Hurry!" Margaret yelled.

Xavier hit the gas pedal and raced to the hospital. Once we reached the hospital Xavier got Neil out of the car and carried him into the building.


"Hadley, he'll be fine." Margaret tried to convince me as I cried, but it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself.

"Seriously!? He'll be fine!? Oh please, Margaret! You know that deep down you are screaming and hoping that he'll be alright! You know that he got hit by a car and that he was bleeding uncontrollably! He was bleeding. My Neil was bleeding!" I cried as I collapsed to the floor. 

The doctors were still busy with Neil. I really don't know how he is right now. We don't know his condition, we know nothing! The doctors just rush out of the room and don't even respond to us when we ask something. They just walk past us like we're not even there. Margaret knelled in front of me and hugged me. 

I rested my head on her chest as I cried. Even Margaret was crying and constantly praying that Neil will be okay. Nobody expected what happened just a few moments ago. We never expected that our amazing night would end up like this. I don't want to lose Neil. Neil is the only cousin I care about so much, he can't just leave me like that! He's supposed to be with me forever! He is supposed to take care of Margaret and play with Ryan. Oh, Ryan. His heart will break when he'll see that Neil is in such a condition. 

"Just moments ago we were singing and doing stupid things in front of everybody. Just moments ago everything was alright and Neil was perfectly fine! Why did this have to happen? Why did Neil get hurt! Neil can't get hurt! He's Neil! He's supposed to live forever!" I sobbed on Margaret's chest. 

"Hadley!" Xavier knelled in front of me, next to Margaret. "Baby, don't worry. Neil will be just fine. He'll make it! Please don't cry." A tear fell from Xavier's eyes. 

I cried even harder as my heart clenched when I thought about all the pain Neil went through. Neil can't... He has to be okay. He just has to. He can't leave us like that. He's is going to be fine. And he'll love Margaret forever and ever. He'll be fine... At least that's what I hope. The tears fell from my eyes. I couldn't control anything at the moment. The only thing in my mind was, that I hope that Neil be okay. That a car actually hit my cousin. 

When I finally managed to calm down a bit, I remembered that Sarina wasn't here. "Did you call Sarina?" I asked Xavier and he nodded. 

Xavier helped me up and we sat on one of the chairs, waiting for the doctor to appear. Why isn't any doctor coming out of that room yet!? Can they not see that there are people outside that are worried sick about what might have happened to him!?

After what seemed like ages a doctor finally walked out of that room and by the look on his face, things weren't okay. I started panicking. Neil has to be okay. Nothing can happen to him. He is fucking Neil Cullen! Why is the doctor looking at me like that!? His face looked a bit frightened. He hesitantly walked towards us, as if he was afraid that I would jump on him and kill him. Do I look that horrible? 

"Doctor, is he alright?" Margaret ran to him. 

He looked at me worried first and then at Margaret and Xavier. "I'm afraid he is not okay. His head was severely damaged and he went into a coma. We can't tell how long he will be in the coma, but we can tell that if he stays in this critical state, he might lose his life." He said carefully. 

My eyes grew wide as I could not believe what I was hearing. Neil might lose his life... that was the only thing going through my head. Neil is in coma and he might lose his life if he remained like that. No... This is not happening! How can this happen to him!? This was not supposed to happen! Suddenly everything started to spin... Everything went blurry. I did my best to keep up, but everything went blank and I felt myself falling on the floor.


Okay guys! 

First of all, sorry that I did this to Neil, but I had to spice it up a little bit for you guys, so please don't kill me!! There is still a lot to happen, so wait till the end, then you can kill me.... IF YOU CAN FIND ME!!!

Anyway, I'm going to start running away, because I'm too young to die, but before I run, don't forget to 





On second thoughts.. I won't run.... COME AT ME BRO!!!!!!!!!

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