Chapter Twelve

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"He might lose his life."

No. He can't lose his life. He just can't. Neil has to live. He has to live for Margaret. He has to live for his parents. He has to live for me. He can't just leave us hanging like that. All the time he was here with us was so fun. It was like I had a happy life. He can't just ruin it by leaving me. I love Neil. Neil is the best cousin anyone could ever get. He teases, he fools around, we act like little kids even though we're over twenty years old. Who is going to call me Rod then? I hate how he calls me that, but he has to call me that. He can't lose his life.

I felt my hand getting squeezed and I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. I gasped for air. I tried to open my eyes, but it just won't open. It was like my eyelids were stitched together. It just won't open. I gasped for air. I felt like I was drowning into a very deep sea, which had no end and there was no one there to save me. I felt like my death was coming.

I tried swimming to the surface again, but I felt like someone was holding me back, so I don't go up. I did my best. I did everything to get up, but I just couldn't swim to the surface. I needed air. I gasped once again, but no air went to my lounges. I gasped for air, I tried swimming again, but it was still no use. I tried screaming for help, but no words came out of my mouth. My eyes still wouldn't open and I felt like stabbing myself in the shoulder.

I extended my hand towards the moon shining above the water surface. I didn't want to die. I wanted to live happy with Xavier and have our baby. I wanted to live happily ever after like in the Disney movies. I just wanted to be happy with Neil and everyone in my life.

Suddenly I get released and I swim to the surface like my life depends on it. I shot up and gasped for air. I took deep breathes and gulped several times. I breathed and breathed and breathed. When I finally got aware of my surroundings, I realized that I'm on a bed. A hospital bed. I looked around and saw the doctors looking at me with relief, Margaret and Xavier looking worried and Ryan with tears in his eyes. I was sweating and panting heavily. I still had problems with breathing, but that lessened a bit when Xavier hugged me.

"Are you okay?" he asked worried.

I gulped and nodded. What the hell just happened? I looked around once again, my vision a bit blurry. Ryan was still crying and I looked at him as he sniffed.

"Come here, baby." I called Ryan and he ran towards me as fast as his little legs could carry him.

I picked him up and placed him on the bed, next to me. I wiped his tears away and she sniffed once again. I smiled at him and hugged him tightly.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" I asked Ryan as I kissed his forehead.

"Mommy, pwease don't leave me." he cried again.

I hugged him tightly. My own eyes started filling up with tears now. "No, baby. I'm never going to leave you. Mommy is okay, see? I'm just fine." I kissed him all over his whole face. I hugged him again and looked at Xavier. "What just happened? Why is he crying?"

"You just had a panic attack." he breathed out.

"Ma'am, you really need to stop stressing. It's not healthy for the baby." the doctor told me.

I nodded at him and hugged Ryan even tighter as he let go of another sob. I rubbed his back to comfort him and he calmed down a bit. Suddenly the thought of Neil came into my mind again.

"How is Neil?" I asked Xavier.

"He's still bad." Margaret sniffed.

Tears started streaming more down my face. Margaret is crying, Xavier is stressing, and Ryan... Ryan and the baby are suffering. I wish I could do something. Just something to make everything alright. I wish I could go back in time and stop that car from hitting Neil. But wait, who was driving that car?

"Why was driving that car?" my voice cracked.

"We don't know. The glasses were tainted, so we couldn't see anything through." Xavier said.

"C-can I see him?" I asked, looking at the doctor.

"Of course you can." the doctor said and I got up from the bed after handing Ryan over to Margaret.

The moment I stood on my two feet, everything started spinning. Luckily Xavier caught me before I could even fall down. I mumbled a 'Thanks' and Xavier smiled and nodded. I knew he hated seeing me like this, but such a reaction after what happened is natural. Who would be able to keep calm after her favorite cousin after he got hit by a car?

Xavier helped me towards Neil's room. He let me go when I told him that I can go on my own now and I walked into the room. I almost fainted when I saw Neil. How can a car possibly do this to someone!? His forehead was bandaged, his arm was bandaged, his ankle was also bandaged. He had several cuts on his body, including a few on his face. My eyes started to tear up even more.

I walked over to his body and sat down. I took his cold hands in mine and kissed the back of his hand. I just stared at his pale face for a few moments. You were okay a few hours ago. A teardrop fell on his hand, but I didn't care.

"Hi, Neil. It's me. Nov, but now you call me Rod." I chuckled. "You remember that day when we stole the pizza? Yeah, I'll never forget that either. A-and the prank? I'm really sorry for that, bro. It was just that we like the way you scream. It's so funny. It's funny when you get scared. Remember when you finally asked Margaret to be your girlfriend? She told me that it was the best day of her life. Please don't leave her." I breathed in as I held in a sob. "Please stay with us and never go away? Please don't leave us. I love you, Neil. I really do. You still have to become godparents! You can't leave Ryan and baby just like that! You can't leave us." I cried.

It was silent.

Nor did he move, nor did he say anything. Just lay like that. I kept staring at him, until the door opened. "Ma'am, It's time to go." the voice said.

I didn't want to go. But I had to. I kissed his forehead and walked out of the room. The moment Xavier hugged me, I lost all of it and I broke down. I sobbed on his chest uncontrollably, and I was sure that Margaret must have cried more than me. He is her boyfriend after all.

I hope Neil will be okay...

I just... Hope....



My oral exams are over and it was a disaster....

Moving on, what did you think of the chapter? Was it good? Was it bad? Or maybe in between? Should I work more on it?

Comment bellow and tell me what you think!

Q: Do you think that Neil will make it? Tell me what you think.

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