Chapter Six

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"So, we have everything?" Xavier asked. 

"Popcorn, check. Fake spider, check. And The Conjuring, check." I grinned at the list. 

"Excellent." Xavier grinned evilly as he acted like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons. 

I rolled my eyes and watched out the window as Xavier drove the two of us home. I smiled and thought about how the prank would end up today. I was dying to see Neil and Margaret's faces today during the prank. I texted them to come over to ours to have a movie night today, but what I didn't tell him is that we were going to watch a horror movie. 

Neil is extremely scared of horror movies and that kind of stuff. Hell, he's even scared of spiders! Get it? So the prank is to scare Neil, but I don't know if it's going to scare Margaret, but that should do the trick. I just can't wait for later! 

"But I don't feel like Ryan should be in the house." Xavier said. 

I completely agreed with him on that one. I was scared that Ryan would get scared and get nightmares for a few days later on, considering the fact that he had a terrifying past. 

"I agree. But what are going to do then?" I asked. 

"How about we ask dad to spend some time with him?" Xavier suggested. 

"That could be an option!" I grinned. 


 I ran and hugged dad tightly from behind. He laughed and turned around and hugged me back tightly, I giggled as he kissed my forehead. 

"You're such a sweetheart." he said and motioned me to sit on the couch next to him. 

"Hey dad!" Xavier walked into the living room and threw his car keys on the table as he sat down on the other side of dad. 

"Hey, Xavier!" he patted his back. 

Xavier smiled a real smile with a glint of love for dad in his eyes. I love the way Xavier loves dad. It makes me feel so happy, because I have loved my dad my whole life, but he never even appreciated my presence. It was painful, but I never hated my parents until they did that thing that day. I would never want to speak bad about my parents, but by the way they're acting, this is ridiculous. 

 When we told dad about the pregnancy, he was so happy that he was ready to throw a party! Yes, he was that happy! It was so adorable to see how happy he was, and Xavier said he liked my tomato face. That bitch. 

The baby made me really excited. I literally can't wait until the baby's here. The family will be complete! Suddenly I remembered the reason why I was here. Mostly to see him and spend some more time with him, but also to ask about Ryan. If he would want to go out with him. It would be a great time for him and for Ryan. If he wanted to, of course. 

"Dad, are you free tonight?" Xavier asked as if he read my mind. 

That seems to happen a lot lately. Stupid husband. 

"Yes. Surprisingly I am." he said. 

The good thing was that dad didn't seem exhausted today. In fact, he seemed like he was ready to do anything for today. He seemed so happy. Maybe because he didn't go to the office today. I need to make more time for him so he visits the office a little less than he usually does. He needs to rest, which he doesn't do much. 

"Why don't you spend some time with Ryan then? He even told me that grandpa doesn't play with him anymore." Xavier scratched the back of his head sheepishly. 

Suddenly guilt was written all over dad's face and he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. Well, like father, like son. I smiled at both their sheepish look and shook my head. 

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