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The past week had been spent laying in bed, watching shitty reality shows, and spending time alone. But by friday I had grown very tired of staring at my ceiling and wanted to get out of the house and do something. That was totaly unrelated to me finishing both seasons of Orange is the New Black last night. In my boredom I decide to call up Calum and see what his plans are for the night.

The phone rings a few times, and when someone finally picks up the phone its not Calum’s voice I am greeted with. “Hello.” Luke’s familiar voice says.

“Oh hey Luke.” I nervously say. I was really hoping Calum would answer and would be home alone so I could just go hang out there for a few hours, just us two. I love Luke, but I still feel the need to impress Luke. With Calum I could show up with no makeup in sweats, not have showering in two days. But Luke and me are not on that level.

“Emma! How are you?” Luke asks, his voice friendly.

“I’m good, thanks. How about you?”

“I’m spectacular..” He lets out a little giggle, fuck he’s so cute. I’ve always had a little crush on Luke. I would never do anything about it, but he still can stir up some butterflies in my stomach.

“Um... I called to talk to Calum. Is he there?” I ask.

“He ran out to get us some food and left his phone here, I can deliver him the message.” Luke says, and I don’t know why but I can sense the smirk in his voice.

“I was just seeing if he wanted to hang out tonight. I’m bored.”

“Were you specifically wanting to hang out with Calum, ‘cause as I recall he mentioned something about a date tonight. But I’m free.” Luke says confidently, once again I can sense the smirk in his voice.

My mind is a little wary to the offer, mostly because of the flirtiness between Luke and me at the club last week. But I have a really bad habit of listening to my brain when it comes to decision making. “Sure.” I say, a little nervous.

“Cool, I’ll be over at seven.” And with that he hangs up the phone. I sigh loudly, sinking down into the couch. What just happened? Luke is coming over in four hours and for some strange reason, butterflies flutter in my stomach at the thought. I make a mental note to myself to get my shit together before Luke comes over.


It was 7:15 and I was patiently waiting for Luke to arrive. I felt absolutely ridiculous, getting so nervous for one of my BEST FRIENDS to come over and hang out for a while. Although I knew that my slight crush was stupid, I still spent a little extra time getting ready tonight. There was a knock on the door that shook me out of my thoughts.

Luke was standing on the front step of my apartment, dressed in all black, his hair as flawless as always, and a bottle of vodka in his hand. “Hey.” I greeted him with a smile.

He flashed me a dimpled smile, before walking into the small apartment I lived in. “I can’t believe you brought alcohol!” I laughed. “I think last time proves I shouldn’t be allowed to drink in public.” My cheeks blush at the blurry memories.

“According to my memory, you definitely should drink in public.” Luke smirks at me. My cheeks turn an even darker shade of pink. “C’mon Emma, its just a little friendly fun, nothing to be embarrassed about.”

He’s right, I know he is. But since when has Luke been this cocky. Two months ago, he would have never caught me without a come back, but here I am standing in my own kitchen, blushing and speechless. With that luke grabs two cups from the cupboard, and mixed soda and vodka in them. I took a sip, and the taste of the vodka burned its way down my throat.

About an hour had passed, and it was fair to say I was sorta drunk. Luke and I were laughing over something stupid I had said. I got a control on my giggles, and looked up to meet Luke’s eyes burning into me. He had a smirk on his face, that only meant he was up to something. “Let’s play a game.” Luke said, taking his lip ring between his teeth.

I giggled slightly, and could not keep my eyes off Luke’s lips. “What kinda game?” I asked innocently.

“Truth or dare?” Luke said.

“Ummm... Are you sure?” I asked. I was a little nervous on how the combination of alcohol and a flirty game of truth or dare would play out, but I guess I was about to find out.

“Yes. Truth or dare?” Luke said, the damn smirk still playing on his lips.

“Truth..” I stuttered.

“When did you lose your virginity?” Luke’s eyes stared at me from the other end of the couch.

“What makes you think I’m not a virgin?” I questioned him, raising an eyebrow. I was by no means a virgin, but I didn’t like Luke assuming I wasn’t.

“Em, there’s no way in hell you’re a virgin.” Luke laughed, raising his cup to his lips.

“Okay, what’s that supposed to mean?” My voice was growing louder. I honestly did not know if Luke thought I was a slut. Maybe that’s why he wants to get me drunk.

“No, no, I didn’t mean it like that. I meant you are way too hot to be a virgin.” Luke stated matter-of-factly. My cheeks immediately warmed at the comment.

“Okay well I was sixteen, to answer the truth.” I said, looking down to my lap, “truth or dare?” I peered up into Luke’s eyes.

“Dare.” He smirked.

“Ummm...” I was not drunk enough to think of any crazy, hilarious dare. “Do a shot of vodka?” I said in more of a question.

Luke raised an eyebrow at me. “Thats it? Thats all you got?” He said, getting up from the couch and heading towards the kitchen. I follow him to the kitchen where he pours a shot full of vodka.

I shrug my shoulders, embarrassed by my unoriginal dare. “What would you suggest?” I ask curious.

“Do you have any limes?” Luke asked.

And luckily for me, I happened to have a lime. Luke cut a wedge of lime and set it to the side. “Now lick your hand and rub it down the side of your neck.” He instructed me, before grabbing a salt shaker. I did as I was told, and Luke sprinkled salt on the new dampness that ran down my neck. He placed the lime between my lips, where I bit down to hold it in place.

Luke smirked down at me before pushing my hair off my shoulder. His warm lips met my neck before I felt his warm smooth tongue run down the length of my neck. I felt goosebumps rise all over my body at the gentle but seductive touch. He brought his face away from my body, and quickly downed the shot of vodka. He looked at me and smirked, before leaning down, and biting the other end of the lime. Just the slightest bit of space between our lips. I fluttered my eyes closed , not being able to stand looking Luke in his crystal blue eyes. His teeth bite down on the lime and pull it from between my lips.

He quickly spits it into the sink, scrunching his face in response to the sour taste. He giggles cutely when I look up at him with a deep red blush. “You’re cute when you blush.” Luke giggled.

“And you’re cute when you’re drunk!” I laugh, pushing gently at his chest.

“You’re not drunk enough, c’mon take a shot!” Luke proclaimed, pushing the bottle of vodka towards me. I knew drinking more was a bad idea, but I could not say no.

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