Chapter nine

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Waking up in Bruin's arms is definitely the way I want it to be forever. The man is cozy as all hell, what with his big arms that surround me, the chest I'm partially laying on like a heated mattress and his masculine and homely scent that emanates from his every pore. I look at him, bleary eyed, his calm face as he sleeps, mouth slightly open. There is no drool though and I don't remember hearing him snore. That could be because I slept like the dead, for... reasons.

Oh, stars. Last night. Simply amazing is all I can recount it feeling like. I literally had my first kiss last night. And then BAM, I was a virgin no more. Stars help me, the man I'm laying on is perfection, simple as that. And not just because, despite being inexperienced and unsure himself, he made the whole night amazing but also because he kept reassuring me and making sure I was comfortable throughout the night. There is no one I would've wanted to be my first and now, thanks to him being a shapeshifter, I know he will also be my last.

"Baby, I know I'm handsome but your eyes are starting to scare me." The recipient of my affection mumbles sleepily and I focus back onto his face. He's softly smirking at me and with his mussed hair there is nothing more adorable yet sexy than the sight before me. I snort at his comment before I press a sloppy kiss onto his cheek. The dimple deepens as his smile widens and his arms tighten around me, bringing me impossibly closer. As if there was any space between us to begin with.

Bruin bends down to get a kiss but I dodge him, conscious of my morning breath. I can feel that it's extra terrible this morning; the kind of dryness in my mouth alerting me. My bear doesn't give up, however, determined to get his morning kiss. As a last resort, he starts tickling me, deft fingers dancing along my sides, making me laugh and reveal my face. I realise too late and he seizes my mouth with his. I relax instantly but don't open my mouth to that exploring tongue of his tracing my lower lip.

After a few moments I break free and jump off the bed, nearly tripping as my leg gets tangled in a sheet. I shake the limb free and blush as I realise I'm naked and that Bruin is wholeheartedly enjoying the display of skin. Taking the corner of the sheet that nearly caused me to kiss the floor, I throw it over Bruin's head and dash for my bag in the living room. I grab the duffle bag and b-line for the bathroom to at least rinse my mouth before Bruin comes hunting for another kiss.

Turning the shower on, I pause and then make my way back to the bedroom where my bear is still splayed all over the bed. "Do you want to join me in the shower?" His eyes light up and he gets up from the bed in one quick move. Bruin moves towards me, opening his arms with, what I deduce, the intention of carrying me to the shower. I raise a hand to stop him and add. "No funny business, though, I don't think my ass could handle any more right now." He nods eagerly and picks me up, cuddling me into his warm chest.

I really wouldn't mind laying with him again but I think last night's activities are starting to catch up with me. Man, he really did a number on me. How the hell did I not notice it when I rose from the bed? Cuddling with the burly man makes the ache dull so I don't even think of complaining as he seems to have made it his mission to carry me around.

Bruin steps into the shower and still doesn't set me down, letting the warm water hit my back as his hand combs through my hair. He brings my hair under the water and makes sure it's wet before he reaches for the bottle of shampoo sitting on a rack in the corner of the shower. It's the same one he uses for himself, I decide as I catch a whiff of the liquid in the bottle. The head massage is really nice... I hum to myself as Bruin's hands glide over my head and then the rest of my body as he washes me.

Once he's done washing me, he has to set me down to rinse the suds off and I reach for the bottle of shampoo to return the favour. Bruin gets the idea and crowds me into the wall behind me to get his hair wet under the spray. The wall is cold against my back but I shrug it off, focusing on washing Bruin's brown locks. His eyelids drop when I rub his scalp, clearly also enjoying the treatment.

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