Chapter 4

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A few weeks into Kai's training and everything was running smoothly. The only people who knew Kai and Nya were from Mokilea were Kai and Nya themselves; and Sensei Wu of course.
That didn't stop Jay from being suspicious, though.

"Jay, this is ridiculous," Cole groaned. "He's A nice kid with a nice sister and there's no reason to be suspicious of them!"

"Item one-" Jay continued, ignoring Cole ("UUUGGHHH!!") "-and probably the biggest one- him saying he, quote, 'doesn't make friends with humans.' This implies he is something inhuman with the ability to shapeshift - an Oni, perhaps, or-"

"Or maybe he just likes playing pretend?"

"Item two- his attitude and responses. We saw him bite Zane, he growls when he's upset, and there's some sensitive part on his head that makes him react oddly to contact. When we were first introduced, he-"

"Oh, my First Spinjitzu Master, are you STILL on that?!"

"His first day, Cole. I patted his head and he yipped. YIPPED!! Do humans yip, Cole?!"

"Maybe he just likes playing pretend he's an animal!"

"And then there's his name - Azeria."

"Names usually mean nothing, Jay!"

"You brought it up first, remember? It means 'fox.' The name Azeria means 'foxlike' or 'foxy.' You said it first, not me!"

"Look, Jay, this is stupid." Cole said, standing up. "I'm gonna go now. Have fun making conspiracy theories with yourself." On the way out, he bumped into Kai.

"Ow, watch it!" He shouted, growling. This set something in Jay's brain.

"Uhm ... Sorry, kid?" Cole said (More like asked) and continued walking away.

"Well, Kai," Jay said, patting Kai's head once more, "what's up?" He had a plan - reveal Kai's secret at all costs. Whatever this kid was hiding, it was no match for Jay.

"Please stop," Kai whimpered in response. Jay, of course, ignored him.

"Wanna go downstairs and play some video games?" He said as Kai continued to whimper and plead.

"I said, please stop that; it hurts a lot." He said quietly.

"I bet you can't beat me in Fist 2 Face II!!" Jay said. He kept talking to Kai as he continued whining. Still, Jay refused to remove his hand from the poor Kitsune's head. Tears prickled Kai's eyes. This is why he hated humans. They never understood how he had sensitive ears, and he couldn't do anything because he just got too timid in pain. Nya always said he was very much like a fox in that field, as he never came to his older sister for help when he was injured.

He had to stay strong. For Nya, he decided. For his parents.
He pulled back as many tears as possible and stated in a calm, though severe voice, as loud as he could through his shakes and whimpers:

"Please stop. You're hurting my ears."

Jay stopped in his tracks and took a double-take. Did he just say-


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