Chapter 5

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"Yes," Kai said, "you're hurting my ears. Please stop." Jay laughed and leaned on the wall. He must have hearing loss!

"You're not serious," he said. "Your ears are on the side of your head, not the top."

"False," Kai simply replied. "I can show you if you want." He said.
"Okay," Jay said. "Do it." He was still disbelieving, despite his intricate theory. Sensei wouldn't dare invite an eleven-year-old FOX to be a ninja! ... Would he?

Kai pulled off his hood. Slowly, but surely, he revealed his chocolate-brown hair, which was styled nicely into spikes at the ends of his bangs. The top also had spikes, but not as severe. And, resting neatly, just atop his head, were two chocolate-brown fox ears to match the rest of his hair, filled with white fluff to protect the inside. Jay's smile dropped like a metal ball.

"You're kidding." Kai merely shook his head 'no' in response.
Jay's eyes rolled back in his head as he fell to the floor, motionless.

Nya walked in to see Kai with his hood off, ears exposed, Jay on the floor and Kai looking like he just had a heck of a time holding back tears.

"Kai," she said calmly, "what happened in here?" He simply looked to his feet and stiffened. He once again felt warm tears running down his face.

"I'm sorry, Nya ... He- he gave me no choice!!" He fell to his knees and started sobbing.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, baby, it's okay!" Nya said quietly. "You're okay. Tell Nya what happened, honey."

"He- he was hurting me!" Kai responded through tears, flicking his ears. "And he didn't stop! He hurt my ears! You know I have sensitive ears, Nya!"

"Shh, I know, Kai, I know."

"I- I wanna go home! Not to Mokilea. Home to Ignacia. I want mommy and dad back."

"I know, Kai. I do, too." Nya said, "we have to be strong for them."

"For our parents?" Kai asked.

"For our parents," she replied.

"I love you, Nya."

"I love you too, Kai," she said, "I'll protect you forever. And Jay's going to regret what he did to you."

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