bed head & unromantic deaths

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My far from pleasant sleep was rudely interrupted by some creature shaking me awake and screeching in my ear

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My far from pleasant sleep was rudely interrupted by some creature shaking me awake and screeching in my ear. "SAMANTHA WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!!"

Mornin' to you too Kira. My roommate turned best friend was the love of my life, but not even she could tear me from my bed. I knew I should get up, but it was just so comforta-


I'm gonna miss wh-? ANNOUNCEMENTS.

I threw the covers off and practically launched myself out of bed.
"IM GONNA BE LATE!" I screamed as I rushed to my closet and frantically attempted to undress and pull my uniform on.

I took one look in the mirror and almost screamed again because my wavy hair decided to roleplay as a freaking bush today. And whoever said the messy look was cute could shove it.

"THIA!! MOVE. NOW." Kira gives another screech from the door with both of our school bags in hand. I throw the mess into a bun thanking the Lord above I had a hair tie on me and rush out the door.

Feeling more and more like I'm in a survival movie our next task is to somehow sprint down the monstrous three flights of stairs to get to the Hall since everything besides the dorms were located on the lower floor. Convenient I know.

With one quick look at each other we give a nod, say a quick prayer and run like we're flying with freaking pixie dust.

I gain so much momentum that my legs almost fly out from under me when we reach the bottom but I don't even have time to think because the dining hall was still down another hallway and to the left. I'm pretty sure the founder turned a maze into an Academy of Music with the way this place was built.

We bolted down the hallway and took the corner with inhuman speed nearly bulldozing right through the huge gilded door to the Hall before a sharp cough makes us skid to a halt and my blood run cold.

We turned around slowly already knowing who would be standing behind us. The Headmistress.

She turns up her chin scrutinizing us and no doubt my ruffled uniform. Her blonde hair and brown eyes create the allusion of a sweet persona but I would not be deceived by it again like my first day here. She was a nightmare and probably invented this school's maze hallways herself just so she could sleep soundly at night.

"No running in the halls, ladies" she said cutting her "s" short as if her displeasure wasn't clear enough.

Kira and I both made eye contact just fast enough to communicate "Frick frick crackers and cheese" and then solemnly looked at floor managing to squeak out "Our apologies, Headmistress".

She continued staring us down her expression unwavering, "Don't be late to announcements again." and with that she whirled around the clack of her heels following her down the hall.

The moment we knew we were in the clear we released the breath of total panic we'd been holding practically emptying our lungs of air.

Kira throws her hands up in a mock gesture of surrender in the direction of the hallway as though she's talking to some enemy threat in hiding, "All right then, anyone else want a turn? No? We good? Fantastic thank you so much for your time it's been a pleasure." She blows a kiss and drops her sarcastic smile turning towards me and grabbing my shoulders, "Now let's go to stupid Announcements before we somehow die a very unromantic death, please".

I laugh because I love her and because she's probably right.

We finally turn toward the looming gilded doors and open them into the Hall where we're immediately affronted with an abrupt wall silence and heads turning toward us in unison.

Announcements had already started. Cue very unromantic death.

The announcer Mrs. Greenwix, who was also the Headmistress's evil minion sorry I mean Assistant, stared at us as we made our way to squeeze into the only spot left on the benches along the lengthy rectangular tables.

We awkwardly squeezed in with whatever decorum we had left still being coated in the silence of shame and yet my final blow had yet to be given.

I looked up and was met face to face with none other than the dark eyes that had looked down at me in the flickering lights of the practice rooms. Kai Reynolds. To this day I still marvel at myself for not banging my head on the table right then and there.

He held my eyes for what felt like an hour because I'm delusional but was probably only .5 seconds before looking down and breaking contact, but not before I caught a slight smile on his lips. The man was smiling at my suffering and he had the audacity to call me sunshine last night. Well, I'm going to shove that sunshine right up his-- a sharp kick to my ankle snapped me out of my murderous thoughts and I turned to look at Kira's equally murderous gaze.

She whispered harshly through clenched teeth, "Why are you staring at Kai Reynolds like he did a jig on your grandma's ashes?"

I painfully held back a laugh, but managed to whisper back, "He might as well have. I'll tell you after we survive this hell."

She raises her eyebrows but nods and we both turn our attention to Mrs. Greenwix who had begun speaking again.

She had begun her usual back and forth pace across the stage with the occasional stop when making a point as if it made her more authoritative. Nice try, Greenie.

The usual points were made-- optional classes after school with the undertone that they were not really optional unless you were a failure, the dining menu for the week, and reminders of the mandatory dinners and certain master classes of that week. 

Her pacing stopped right in the center of the stage cuing that a big announcement was about to be made.

Her gravely voice echoed through the Hall, "As you all know, even you first years, the annual Academy Fundraiser is the biggest and most important event of the year. It's hosted by the Reynolds family our most respectable and honored benefactors and promotes all sorts of talents specifically from our school. The event is not just a Fundraiser but also the determinant of your future. The quality of your education relies on the profits made at this event and since many prestigious musicians as well as politicians and even royalty attend this event. Your success outside of this academy hangs in the balance."

She pauses, her eyes settling over the room, "Knowing this the Reynolds family has decided to give every student a chance at showcasing their talents. So please everyone turn your attention to the screen to see what group you have been placed in to perform at the event. Best of luck to you all." And with that she steps off stage to reveal the screen.

My eyes frantically search through the endless list of names to find mine and I do. But I wish I hadn't. Group 15. Fin Wafe, Kira Jewels, Samantha Keys and Kai Reynolds.

I slowly turn my head to face the person I can't seem to get rid of and find him already staring at me. His expression is identical to mine of shock but it quickly fades into a full smile that unfortunately is beautiful enough to momentarily blind me although that might be from rage.

He reaches a hand over the table and says through a laugh, "Welcome to the team, sunshine"

Unromantic death. Check.

Dying an unromantic death was Anne Cuthbert's greatest fear so hopefully our Samantha can get out of this one alive. And if you don't know who that is I'm so sorry for your loss. Much love <3

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