
1.4K 18 9

Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 15

Height: 5'7

Birthday: March 17

Hair: Messy medium length H/c with blue highlights

Eyes: E/c, but glow blue when your power's active

Quirk: Speed

Ability: Can run faster than anything. Can spin so fast, you can penetrate through anything. Have a very fast healing factor. Can jump up to 50 ft. Your power also increases your durability, as well as acts like a shield around your body.

Drawbacks: No drawbacks


Blue sleeveless hoodie
Black sports pants
Fingerless gloves
Cold weather goggles
Utility belt with pouches filled with med kits, rings, and weapons
And of course...

Blue sleeveless hoodieBlack sports pantsFingerless glovesCold weather gogglesUtility belt with pouches filled with med kits, rings, and weaponsAnd of course

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Personality: Kind, loyal, goofy (at times), brave, selfless, sassy, angry when agitated, motivational, and rebellious

(He can be a mood at times, but that's usually just for fun.)

Likes: Chili dogs, friends, nice girls, fun, running, graffiti, kids, animals, music, video games, reading, freedom, and people with heart

Dislikes: Bullies, perverts, tyrants, heartless people, people who hurt his friends, stuck ups, people who like hurting others, and being cooped up for at least 10 minutes

Backstory: You're from America. Specifically, Sausalito in California. You are an orphan, but you were able to pull through. When you finished middle school, you applied for U.A. But you're from a place were people rarely get powers. So you weren't able to fit in middle school. Now you're going U.A. to learn how to be a hero. Which you already know. Yeah, you're the only hero of Sausalito, but no one's seen you. So you're hero name, for now, is The Blue Blur.


Your next suit may look something like this:

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Your next suit may look something like this:

Your next suit may look something like this:

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Close to it.

And you can imagine yourself looking like this:

And you can imagine yourself looking like this:

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Gotta go fast! (MHA x Male Speedster Reader)Where stories live. Discover now