Ch 1 - Goin' to Japan

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Before you read the story. I need you to vote. Just in case some you like harems or not, comment on this paragraph.

Ochako Uraraka

Momo Yaoyorozu

Mina Ashido

Tsuyu Asui

Toru Hagakure

Jiro Kyoka

(I'm also adding the other classes of U.A.)

Itsuka Kendo

Yui Kodai

Kinoko Komori

Ibara Shiozaki

Pony Tsunotori

Setsuna Tokage

Reiko Yanagi

Mei Hatsume

Toga Himiko

Whichever girl you want to be paired with. Or if you want a harem, comment on the paragraph up above.

Y/n's POV

Here we go. After working the entire summer at McDonald's, movie theaters, Chipotle, and other hard jobs. I'm on my plane that's about to depart. The exam's gonna start tomorrow though, and right now it's 9:30 in the evening. In Japan. The flight's gonna be 5 hours. I better get some sleep then.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/n learning japanese and sleeping through loud plane noises.

And here I am. Musutafu, Japan. After grabbing my things, I run around the city to find a place to stay. After a few seconds, I finally found a house to rent.

Luckily, I still have some money to use for it. So after paying for rent, I unpack, get my uniform for later, and eat breakfeast.

I soon learned about the heroes here in Musutafu. They have something against vigilantes. Apparently they're treated way worse than villains.

"Well if they just want to do the right thing, they're better in my book." I thought out loud.

I mean, come on. Do we really need to go to school, just to learn how to save the day? If it's yes, well then not me! I don't do so well with waiting. And I'm not gonna wait til graduation to save the world. If they want to tell me otherwise, I'll just do what I do best.


I then checked the time and noticed that the exam's gonna start soon. So I grabbed my stuff, put on a hoodie, my headpones, some pants, my sneakers, a beanie, and started walking.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Why aren't you running? Well sometimes I like to take it slow. Ya know, enjoy the scenery.

After about, 10 minutes, I made it. And let me tell ya, if girl's think their partner's big, they got nothing on this building. Not as big as the Golden Gate Bridge, but it's big.

As I was walking a spotted a green hair boy trip and about to fall face first into the ground. Luckily for him, I don't have a camera. So I'll help him out.

I zoom over and catch him in the blink of an eye and he's still processing what just happened.

"You ok?" I ask him in Japanese. "Y-yes! Thank you." He responded, nervously.

" He responded, nervously

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"Anytime. See ya inside." I said, as I started to walk off, but grass hair stopped me.

"W-wait! I-I'm Izuku Midoriya. Who are you?" He asked shyly. I smiled, this guy really wants a friend.

"I'm Y/n L/n. But just call me Y/n." I introduced myself, while extending my hand, which he shook.

"Well, thank you very much, L/n-san." He thanked me, again.

"It's nothing really. And just call me Y/n." I told him, before walking back to the building.

3rd Person POV

Students were already in their seats, as well as Y/n. He was resting his head in his arms on the desk when he heard the same boy from earlier.

"Y/n!" Izuku said, walking over and sitting next to him. "Oh, hey Izuku." Y/n said to the green haired boy.

When they both started talking, unknowned to them, a certain blonde sat next to Izuku, looking pissed. As always.

As soon as everyone entered the giant room, certain lights turned on, and the famous hero, Present Mic came on stage

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As soon as everyone entered the giant room, certain lights turned on, and the famous hero, Present Mic came on stage.

"For all you examinee listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today! Everybody say 'hey'!" He said, in an anouncing style. His response; silence. "What a refined response. Then I'll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam! Are you ready!?" Again, silence. "Yeah!"

"It's the Voice Hero, Present Mic! Wow...!" Izuku silently fangirled. But Y/n just quietly chuckled. "Calm down there fanboy. Today, he's our teacher."

"I know! But he's so cool! I listen to him everyday on the radio!" Izuku whispered. "Well I didn't really listen to the radio. Mostly because there was none of my favorite songs on the radio in America."

As they were whispering, Present Mic continued his speech. "You're from America!? That's so cool! What's it like?" Izuku asked. "Well it's not that bad. Though I do prefer to travel to other countries every now and then." They did catch the important parts of his speech during his conversation. "Why did you choose to come here?" Midoriya asked. "Well I applied to U.A. Besides, I don't really have a family." "W-wait, you're saying that..." "Don't worry about it. Yes, I'm an orphan. But every now and then, it has its perks."

Their conversation was ended, however, when a student raised his hand. "May I ask a question?" He asked Present Mic.

"Okay!" He pointed to the student and the spotlight was on him.

"On the printout, there are four types ot villains. If that is a misprint, then U.A., the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake. We examinees are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplaru heroes." He said, before pointing towards Izuku and Y/n. "In addition, you two over there with the curly hair and blue streak." He caught their attention. "You two have been whispering this whole time. It's distracting! If you're here on a pleasure trip, then you both should leave immediately!"

"Simmer down Kamui Woods Jr. We're just getting to know each other. And if you don't like our whispering, then just ignore us. If anything, you're the one distracting us, senior teacher's pet." Y/n responded to him, making some of the students laugh, even Bakugo to smile a little. This however, did annoy the teacher's pet.

"Okay, okay, Examinee Number 7111. Thanks for the great message." Mic said, before continuing his speech, which answered four eyes.

"Thank you sir!" He said, before glaring at Y/n, who playfully glared back.

"Y-you didn't need to make fun of him like that, Y/n." Izuku told the boy.

"Well I did. I don't need people like four eyes to tell me what to do. I make my own decisions and don't let anyone order me around." Y/n said, while leaning back.

Izuku had a concerned face for Y/n. As if, there was more to that response than he was saying.

Chapter 1 end. Hope you guys like this chapter. I'm gonna try to keep posting more, even if this is the last month of the semester for me. I wanna try to keep you guys happy, while also keeping my grades up. So, see ya in my next post! 👋

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