The Final Battle

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Percy POV

Fighting Kampe is the hardest thing I've ever done. The biggest problem with this monster is that she wields two poisonous twin scimitars, these things are scary. I try to dodge and keep myself alive while also making sure that the poison doesn't accidentally effect anyone else. 

I'm vaguely aware of the other monsters that we still need to take care of. Nico is juggling with a cholchis bull (not fun), Thalia is trying her hand with the Drakon (this isn't looking too good), and Harry is left to struggle with the Minatour, the manticore is still pretty far away. I can sense the water moving through its body in waves as it leisurely strolls towards us. 

This isn't going to be good. 

I need to find a way to defeat Kampe, and try to help the others, at the same time. But how? 

If my memory serves correctly, no demigod has defeated Kampe before. Nothing has defeated Kampe before (other than Zeus and Kronos, but that's beside the point). My mind continues to draw a blank on how to defeat this thing. 

Kampe takes another swing at my head forcing me to lie flat on the ground in order to avoid being hit. Her expression goes from an easy going smirk, to a frustrated and annoyed scowl in the space of two seconds. 

This is bad.

Or good, perhaps?

Maybe if I get her angry enough then I can find an opening and defeat her! 

We go on like this for a while; stabbing, ducking, running, ultimately neither of us has landed a single blow. 

A scream breaks my concentration and Kampe lands a hit. Right as I turn towards the direction of whoever screamed, an immense pain flowed through me. It started on my back and tore a path to my chest, like fire. 

The growl that comes from my throat surprises me. I thought that I would yell and scream, but growl? Now I've lost myself. 

I try to ignore the pain and the monster and focused on who screamed in the first place. It was Thalia. 

Her monster, the drakon, has gotten the better of her. It looms over her menacingly, towering over her crouched position. I don't even think, I just run. 

Kampe seems to have the same idea, but for different reasons. She lunges towards Thalia, licking her lips. I am horrified. Kampe can't eat Thalia! Kampe raises her poisonous weapons and prepares to strike it down. NO!

I feel a painful tug in my gut and throw my hand out on instinct. Everything slows down and I realise that I can feel everything

The water vapour in the air. 

The water in the ground. 

The water in my body. 

The water in Kampe's body. 

The water in the poison on Kampe's weapon.

I don't hesitate. I don't think. I just do.

Manipulating the water in Kampe's weapon I force it to stop moving downwards, to turn around so that the tip is pointing at Kampe's chest, and allow the force of gravity to cause the weapon to slam into her chest. 

I hardly notice her erupting in dust and going back to where she belongs because I am already using my powers to wield the weapon again. This time at the drakon. 

The drakon is too slow to realise that the scimitar's are already protruding out of his back and that he's already dead. He growls and lunges at me, just as the last of his soul dies. And bursts into the familiar gold dust. 

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