Monsters Invade Hogwarts

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Percy POV

Today was the anniversary of Annabeth's and the seven's deaths. That's why I couldn't sleep. I honour them by sitting in silence in the peaceful tranquility of the lake at Hogwarts. I silently sit for hours and remember them. 

I remember their laughs, their smiles. I remember how much I owe them for their lives. How much the world owes them for their sacrifice. They have all saved my life time and time again. And now they're gone. 

That is why I could empathize with Harry so quickly. I could see the same pain and anguish on his face that I felt everyday of my life. It's just that I am better at hiding it. More experienced. 

I watch the sun rise and can't help but think of Annabeth. She was my sun. She is my sun. 

I know that we will no longer meet in the mortal world but we will see each other again in elysium. When the time comes I will die and be reunited with her, at long last. Our love will prevail forever. 

I glance back at the water and remember the second time that we kissed. When we both went underwater, the war had just ended and their was peace at last. We didn't have a care in the world as we expressed our love for eachother. 

I sigh and look down at the ground. Everything is different now. The world doesn't shine quite as brightly anymore. Because she isn't here to share it with me. 

When the sun gets a little higher I know that it is time to go back to my room and wake up Harry. I wish that I could let him sleep the whole day, peaceful and without nightmares. He deserves it. He needs it. But his friends will worry and it would be very suspicious. 

It's only as I stand up that I remember I don't have a shirt on. I need to remember to wear a shirt because I have scars now. Scars that I can't keep making up excuses for. 


Tartarus is the root of most of my problems. At least I have mainly cut off myself from that side of me. Although I know that the monsters are coming back for revenge. 

I need to remember to talk to the headmaster about that. She needs to be warned that the monsters will stop at nothing to get to me. How annoying. 

As I trudge back to my room my thoughts lie with Harry. The potion should have worked, he should have had a very good night's sleep. 

It pains me to see someone as young as him go through something as emotionally traumatic as that. Ironic, isn't it? Because I'm his age and I've been through the same thing. He looks to me to fix him. That thought almost makes me laugh. He goes to a broken man to fix him. As if I have all the answers. 

He needs to learn to cope on his own. 

We all have different coping methods to things. The way I cope is not going to help him. The only way for me to help him is helping him find a way for him to cope. That is what I must do. That is what I was sent here to do. 

I reach my door and knock on it. Thinking back it was kinda stupid of me to give him my only key. It was probably a good idea, he could feel safe in the knowledge that no one was going to disturb him, no one could get to him in his sleep. But it was dumb because now I'm locked out of my own room with no way to wake Harry. 

I could always vapour travel in... Gods I really am a seaweed brain. 

I try to ignore the pain that flashes through my chest again as I appear in my room beside the peaceful form of Harry. He looks really happy without the guilt and pain weighing down on him. 

I almost feel sorry for waking him. 

"Harry, you need to get up and head back to your dorm before your friends realise that you are missing." 

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