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Percy POV

Annabeth and I go down to the great hall for breakfast. I spend this time talking with Thalia and Nico, getting updates on the situation. 

Thalia's response to Hogwarts was particularly funny. 

"So Thals, what do you think? How are the classes? What do the students need to work on?"

"I swear on the river Styx if one more guy flirts tries to flirt with one of the hunters, I'll kill them."

I share a look with Nico before responding, "I thought that you guys would have already killed him.."

"Oh he's definitely in the hospital and won't be walking any time soon. These wizards just think that they're the best and it pisses me off. We also can't talk about our heritage so they keep glaring at me. 'I don't want to be taught by a stupid muggle', it irritates me."

It took all of my willpower not to chuckle. Thalia, you never do change.

We were walking to our next defense classes when I see a nervous fifteen year old guy hesitantly come up to us. 


Thalia doesn't even spare him a glance as she throws her hand in the air and gestures behind her with her thumb, "Beat it kid."

I feel kinda bad when I see his eyes travel to the floor and hear him sniff. As he awkwardly runs in the direction Thalia pointed, I can see him lift his arm to wipe something from his eyes. 

"Thalia... You didn't need to be that blunt." Nico says as he looks at the poor kid. 

"Yeah," I continue, "And if Nico says that something is too harsh, it's too harsh."

Nico glares at me but then focuses his attention back onto Thalia. 

"Yeah.. I suppose.. He wasn't necessarily a bad guy. It's just that I've had that many boys casually flex their muscles as they walk past, having one actually talk to me made me act on instinct. I mean.. the only boy that I can stand being around is Percy."

"HEY!" Nico yells from somewhere behind us as we walk away trying to hide our laughing. Nico leaves us to go to his next class as Thalia and I continue down the hallway. 

"Hey Thals, I just need to get something from this room real quick. Stay here though, because I want to talk to you about a plan of attack." 

She shrugs casually and I enter the small closet. I only need to get a few swords from the trunk, I think my next class has a few extra people. I start to make sure that the swords are correctly balanced when I hear someone talking. 

"Hey babe, I know we've only known each other for a short time but I wouldn't mind if you wanted to see me snake. It's pretty big."

I roll my eyes as I can practically see the smug smirk on his face. Probably some douche trying to impress his girlfriend. It's only the next voice that alerts me that something very wrong is happening outside. 

"That's interesting. Keep talking to me and I don't think you're going to have a 'snake' for the future."


What idiot would actually try to flirt with Thalia. 

"Now get lost before I start to think that it's actually worth my time to castrate you."

I quickly collect the swords and keep listening as I open the door to break up the impending fight. 

"Oh come on, sweet heart, we all know that girls aren't really-"

Percy Teaches At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now