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"Oh... where am I?"

A voice asked into the fog. Xena's heart was racing, accelerating even. She couldn't believe her eyes. Behind that fog, was there really a dragon?

"Pengu? Amba? Pranee?"

The voice asked again. Xena was shocked, silent, and fearful. But Raya was fascinated beyond all reason.

"Oh almighty Sisu!!"

"Who said that!?"

The dragon swung her tail around so fast, it knocked Raya away, and Xena dodged in just the nick of time. The fog was starting to clear, which revealed the fluffy, light blue dragon with a tiny horn.


She asked through the fog, her face fully visible. Then she had come into eye contact with Xena, and locked eyes.

It was pure magic and bliss.

Her eyes were a beautiful shade of purple. It was like looking into an ethereal void like the night sky.

Then the moment was ruined by Raya groaning in pain.

The dragon looked around wearily for the said girl, and when she did, picked her up.

"Oh, sorry! Didn't see ya there, lemme just, uh, dust you off." She chuckled nervously.

"You... are... Sisu!?" Raya asked exasperated.

"And you are... people! What's ya name?"

"R-Raya, I'm Raya." the Heart Princess quickly sputtered out, still in shock because of the circumstance.

The blue dragon whipped her head around to look at the dumbfounded girl.

"I'm Xenia. Xena if you will." she managed to say confidently, aside from the fact that she was shaking from a mix of fear, excitement, and happiness.

"You two aren't in stone, which means...!" Sisudatu soon came to a seemingly happy conclusion in her mind, and picked up Xena, holding her and Raya closely to her chest.

"It worked!! Did you hear that Pengu? We did it!!" Sisu excitedly ran around from inside the shipwreck like a happy dog. Then she pulled the two teens away from her chest to look at them with this full hearted gaze and smile.

"I didn't mess it up!!"

And as quickly as her little celebration came, it soon left with Raya's bag.

"Is that food?"

She dropped Raya on her butt and Xena on her head, making a big 'oof' sound. That was a big transition and almost couldn't keep up with the dragon nor their excitement.

"I was too busy trying to save the world I forgot to have breakfast today." Sisu exasperatedly said, throwing open the bag that contained all of Raya's belongings.

"To-day?" Both girls asked at the same time. "What day do you think it is?" Raya confusedly asked.

"Tuesday," the dragon said as if it was obvious.

She took a piece of what seemed to be something edible, barely inspected it, and took a big bite out of it. She ended up regretting not long after, but masked it with a fake hum of satisfaction and delight.

"What is this delightful culinary treat?" Sisu asked out of what seemed to be sarcasm, which resulted in the Dragonslayer to laugh.

"Jackfruit Jerky. She dried it." Xena pointed at Raya, amused as she sees the embarrassment on her face, scratching the back of her neck.

"Well, compliments to the chef," Sisu chuckled nervously, "Wanna finish this, Skippy?" she nicknamed Tuk Tuk.

Both the jerky and the name had Tuk Tuk backing away from the ship.

Both the girls got up, dusted themselves off, and looked at eachother. Neither one of them had more confidence than the other.
"We have something to tell you.." Raya trailed off, looking to Xena for assurance, which she got a nervous shrug from.

"Oh yeah~?" The long dragon cockily asked as she flicked away the rest of the jerky.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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