I'm Whipped (possibly psychotic, most likely an Idiot)

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Authors note you probably will not read:

This was going to be a really short story with just the top part but my insane head hates me and common sense so here is more... sorry
Oh! And this is a new point of view, the person will be revealed during this part (:
Ps. I put that '( )' side note there in the title for the second part because I thought it rhymed but that's probably the caffeine and two hours of sleep...

                I can say with a stern belief that my girlfriend, Jules Lavender Larel, is the most special person in the world. Now, one may think that I am exaggerating but I, Ronan Kaleb Conley am certain that the most oblivious, brain dead, piece of perfection that I am in love with is special. Although that may just be because she signed herself up for a simulation that turns her mind to mush. A simulation which you forget ever signing up for... which is clearly stated inside the contract in big, bold letters.

                I sigh as I stare up at the sign "A Daily Dose of Heaven,"I mumble the name while I look at the coffee shop, the place I will meet up with the girl who will take my girlfriends place in the simulation, not that she or my girlfriend knows of course.

                Pretty sure both would freak out. At least, that would be the normal thing to do... "Normal" I mutter as I furrow my eyebrows looking down only to sigh after a few seconds. 

               Ever since I lost my second job, being a worker at some random sports and bar restaurant which I am pretty sure is partly, if not completely, demeaning called You Want the Chicken, And I Want All the Chicks, I started running low on money and the job at the book store just wasn't cutting it. 

              Somehow though, I got a job working as a janitor for a big organization under funding from the government to test the full extent and capabilities of the human mind. 'I will never forget the torture that is paperwork after signing the confidentiality and other forms needed to get the job.' I think while a shiver runs down my spine.

              It seemed a little messed up, but hey, rent is rent and I gotta pay it. After that my girlfriend signed up for the project oblivious to no one ever coming back and the fact she would forget ever signing up, also forgetting about me. Oh yeah! And her mind turning to mush "If it isn't already," I found myself muttering.

              Yet here I am standing ready to go against the law to save an airhead who forgot I ever existed. I was tempted to sigh but people were starting to look at me weird so I went inside and waited for this so called, Julie Sarel, the only name I could get near here with a similar life to the love of my life. I think back to the experience, unconsciously looking down at the foot with my now bruised big toe.

            I look both ways then take at the all access key given for me to clean each room in the building. 'I really wish there was some mission impossible music right now' I think and then continue on with the tune in my head.

          After hesitating for a second until opening up the room with the applications, I take out the file I had created to take the place of my girlfriend. A name close enough to the original people will not doubt it, but still different enough that other people will think it is a new application and forget my favorite idiot. I can call her that because she signed up for this thing.

         After completing my goal and turning around to run out, I find myself stubbing my toe on the floor while rushing "HOLY Mmmmac and cheese?" I start cursing only to quiet down and for some reason censor my sentence.

         'Man I'm whipped' I thought as I went to the two person table to allow the officials to take her after the drug sets in. She wouldn't remember me... 'just like Jules' I found my thoughts going back to the girl I would do anything for.

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