I aM ThE aVaTAr!

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          "LoNlEy I aM sO lOnElY" I sing after passing another... you guessed it genius, TREE! I wanna cry.

           "AHHHHHHH HOLY PORCUPINE THIS CAN'T BE THE END I DIDN'T FINNISH MY SONGGgggg!!!" I scream as I'm suddenly teleported into the air high above some glaciers, "OMG IS THAT A PENguiiiiiiiii" I never finish as I fall into the water and black out.

——————In the science facility———————

            Everyone sighs in relief as the singing finally comes to an end, "Thank you!!!! Finally!!!! Why couldn't that have happened hours ago!?"

           There was only silence as an answer but everyone was thinking the same to thing and they knew it. " This one sure is some kind of special," Everyone silently agrees which the woman who said the statement.

           If anyone looked close enough in the background they would see a certain janitor scoffing at the conversation, a bead of sweat running down his forehead, 'She's doing way too well with this' Was the though on loop in his mind, 'I can't let her be a success' It seemed as though as the thought went through his mind, more weight pushed on his shoulders.

————————In the simulation——————

          "Chicken nuggets! She's still alive!" Said a girl who seemed unable to stop jumping.

           "Just leave the chap there Barney! We have no time for our stops! Bongo and I are gonna catch us a fish!!!" A guy with his hair untamed, clutching a boomerang to his chest exclaimed.

           "Ugh" I groaned as I finally took a look at the other two people who, though seeming somewhat insane also looked nice... kinda.

           There was silence as they stared at me and I took a look at my surroundings, "Holy crab cake does this mean I'm now the avatar!?" I exclaimed while the girl cracked and the guy suddenly fainted.

           I started to freak out while the girl just kept on cackling mumbling under her breath about how his brain finally melted completely. I ran away when she started screaming about her being next, only to hear her scream, "GET OUT! HURRY! BEFORE YOU LOSE YOUR MAR-" The girl never finished and I didn't look back while tears unknowing fell down my face in either fear, remorse, pity, or maybe a mixture of them all.

         "This isn't how the avatar goes!!" I find myself whimpering while I look around at the only things near me, ice, water, and the silhouettes of two people. Why must I always be so clever?

          A few hours later and although I am shaken up I'm also taking the girls advice to keep on going and finish... whatever this is as fast as I can.... wait a second... "THERE'S NO FOOD AND I AM NOT GETTING HUNGRY!!!" I cry once again as the realization I'm not getting any more daily doses of heaven or junk food any time soon.

        Another few hours and curses later and I'm feeling better.. really! Not like my true love has been denied to me or anything. I whimper a little like the wimp I am.

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