Down the Rabbit Hole and Not In Kansas

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  Chapter 1: Phobia

I have a stern belief that there is no such thing as a normal type of person. In fact, I can proudly say that I, Julie Sarel am not normal. Heck! I'm no more normal than my next door neighbor who watches reruns all day and forgets to finish their online college homework. 

Which I know due to his constant cursing whenever he realizes what day it is. But that does not mean I am special. I am no more special than the landlord who I know for certain doesn't really know how to fix anything. 

Yet, as I look up at the strange scene of no more neighbor cursing his forgetfulness, no broken appliances, and most importantly no apartment or New Jersey, I have to wonder if I have a special medical condition, I am in a coma, or if things somehow just went bat sheet crazy. All there was in front of me was trees, behind me were trees, to my sides were trees, and lets not forget, above me were stars, lots of them being covered by leaves.

Now, one might think I am insane, but according to the fact I can actually see a lot of stars in the not so much polluted night sky, I'm gonna go out on a limp here and say, "Mr. Tree, I don't think I am in Kansas anymore....Um, Mr. Tree, there wouldn't happen to be any munchkins around here would there? Cause being in a coma because something from the apartment my landlord doesn't know how to keep together sounds a lot better than appearing in the woods in my tank top and shorts at night."

No munchkins or witches or anything from a freaking flying monkey to a pair of heels to magically save the day popped up, "Dang it," I whispered, "I'm probably missing that date with the book store guy now aren't I?" I looked around hoping on some level someone was there because then I would be saved and not going inside. It doesn't seem I'm a winner, or seeing that cute guy any time soon.

"You know, I always thought that when something like this happened it would either be a Dorthy or Alice situation, not a, 'I'm in the woods by myself and could die' situation," Hoping someone would recognize how clever I was to say that, I looked around. 

That is, to find nothing, causing me to deflate a little. That's when I hear a sound come from behind a, guess what, tree. Hoping it to be something from my, um, to be called from now on, 'possible death insane coma', I perked up ready to talk to my version of the scarecrow or the good witch person.

I walked around ready to say hi until, "AHHHHH! Holy fruitcake that IS NOT natural!" The bald siamese cat, cats?, meowed in reply as IT struggled to walk with one side trying to run and one giving me daggers and trying to climb up the tree. 

Is this why people are never the same after a coma cause I think I'm gonna or am having a mental breakdown. After a few minutes of wondering what to do and hyperventilating, I started to feel bad and even though I would NEVER touch that THING, I kinda wanted to help.

Then after the cat was too tired to torture itself, I slowly walked away, more concerned about a surprise attack, than the demons this strange situation might come up with. Yeah, do not expect me to be one of those people who bring The thing or whatever they have on their adventure, cause I think I just got a new phobia.

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